Hey!! Friends..I am Mini Sapra and a Nutritionist.. and I will try to show you everything healthy and nutritional dishes for weight loss and for the growing up kids in short videos 🧡🧡🧡
I provide you Nutritional Value of every Dish I make, this will help you understand your food better and you are able to identify Calories, fat content, sugar levels etc.
Also I try to use minimum oil and easily available ingredients at home.
All Dishes are very healthy and Nutritious as well as tasty and yummy😋
Please share your valuable feedback and comments..
Eat healthy !! live healthy!!🥰
#healthydietswithmini #weightlossmanagement
#dietforkids #weightlossdiet #balanceddiet #proteinrichdiet
#healthyeating #weightlossrecipes #healthyrecipesforkids #nutritionalrecipesforkids #healthybreakfast #healthydinner #instantrecipes #quickandeasybreakfast #dinnerrecipes #breakfastrecipes #weightlossdietplan #healthydiets #health #sportsnutrition