Psychology/Sociology 101
316 videos • 461 views • by reflux Neuroscience, the brain, the mind, memory, thoughts, behaviours, characteristics, biases, personality disorders, traits, defence mechanisms, false memories, mental health issues, trauma responses, coping mechanisms, body language, hormones, relationships, social interactions, and self-help. Critical thinking is an unbiased analysis of facts to form a judgement, asking questions, seeing different perspectives, solving problems, and the ability to change your mind. The definition of a bigot is a person devoted to their opinion, intolerant of differing opinions, and prejudiced against certain groups (sectarian). You should always look for information that contradicts your current viewpoint, that way you can ensure you're learning and growing, at the same time you're maintaining your stability, and that's another reason why it's necessary to engage in dialogue with people you do not agree with, because they are the ones who will tell you things that you dont know. Good Vibes Only is Toxic Positivity, as it discards any negative emotions and denies people authentic support. Toxic Positivity masks mental health issues, and creates bad vibes longterm. I highly recommend my other "best of" playlists by Jordan Peterson, Robert Sapolsky, Doc Snipes, Elizabeth Loftus, Suzanne O'Sullivan, Andrew Huberman, Christina Hoff Sommers, Richard Dawkins, Earl Mindell, and Barbara O'Neill. Recommended Websites: Psychology Today, and PubMed (for facts and destroying health/medication/nutrition disinformation/misinformation). Recommended Audible Books: DSM-V Crash Course, Robert Sapolsky - Stress and Your Body, Bessel van der Kolk - The Body Keeps The Score, Julie Smith - Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before, Suzanne O'Sullivan - Its All In Your Head, John E Sarno - The Divided Mind, David Berceli - The Revolutionary Trauma Release Process, Jason Satterfield - Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Jason Satterfield - Boosting Emotional Intelligence, Philippa Perry - The Book You Want Everyone You Love To Read, Jordan Peterson - 12 Rules For Life. Some of these books are also on spotify premium. And i also recommend David Berceli's exercise program called TRE (trauma release exercise), and yoga for the treatment of healing trauma.