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Olivia Tommy

63K subscribers - no pronouns :c

Smile is the best recipe :)

Yuk bikin ayam saus madu lemonnn😊😊 Perubahan dari 1 tahun 1 bulan 1 hari 🤣🤣🤣 Fullbody workout with resistance band🔥🔥 Telur viral bawang terasi🔥 mari bikin versi rendah kalori🔥🔥🔥 #resepmasakan #resepviral Preggoo...❤️ Sambel tempongg🔥🔥 yang asli pake ranti tp aku gk ada jadi pake tomat merah aja tetep enakkk🤤🤤🤤 Ayam kukus siram cabee🤤🤤🤤 Gerakan comboooooo panasss banget!! Always listen to your body!🔥 ❤️❤️❤️ 💪🏻💪🏻 Emang boleh gaya katak sesantuiiii gitu?🥹 Hacks andalan!! Daging mercon 🔥🥵 Nasi ayam sayur versi lebih sehat dan tinggi protein🔥 Lower body sessionn Video vs photo 🔥 🇯🇵🇯🇵🇯🇵 First time running at 4degree C (Osaka, Japan) Telur siram kecap versi irit kalori!! Compound exercise❤️‍🔥🥳 #exercise #workout Lower body! Shoulder exercise💪🏻🔥 #shoulderworkout #shoulder #shoulders #shoulderexercises Pepes tahu jamur!!😋 Smoothies bowl😍 Back exercise 🔥 Chicken Mushroom Lasagna!! My fav variations of a shoulder workout with dumbbells Chilli oil cita rasa Indonesia Travel friendly exercises!! Ikan goreng Sambal dabu dabu! Soo yummyyy SHOULDER ON FIRE!! Sapi lada hitam kembang kol!! G kerasa udah mulai gym 1 thn... super seneng dengan segala prosesnya yuk semangat yuk TELUR UDANG SIRAM RENDAH KALORI! Tricep cable variation!! Parmesan chicken strips!! SEMANGAT 2023🔥🔥 Apple pie versi simple dan lebih sehat😍 Telur dadar tiram less oil!! OPOR AYAM VERSI RENDAH KALORI!! Mie mala shirataki!! Ayam sambal matah rendah kalori! Cable machine back workout!! Lower Body Workout!! Siomay rendah kalorii!! Onsen egg tanpa sous vide UPPER BODY WORKOUT!!