Jesus Christ is LORD, to the
Glory of GOD the Father!
If Jesus has delivered, healed & SAVED me:
- the world’s biggest, wretched, godless, blasphemous SINNER;
- self-hating, suicidal, depressed ALCOHOLIC;
- tormented Sodomite, Anorexic & Bulimic;
then He most definitely CAN & WILL deliver & save absolutely ANYBODY who is WILLING to be delivered & saved!
So, if you want His help and are serious about:
~ Repenting & quitting ALL your SINS & INIQUITIES, sinful lifestyles & addictions;
~ and if u admit you are a CAPTIVE who cannot set himself free from the overwhelming DARKNESS & BONDAGE of Sin & the devil,
Email or FB me.
I’ll be happy to share with u everything God has taught me SO FAR (since 2011) for our COMPLETE Deliverance, Liberation, Birth from Above, & Regeneration as a NEW CREATION in Christ Jesus.
FB: Inspektora DeFrutas, Ahava Agape Amor
Rumble, Bitchute, YT:
Inspektora DeFrutas