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InspektoraDeFrutas 🎚🩸

106 subscribers - no pronouns :c

Jesus Christ is LORD, to the Glory of GOD the Father! 🎚=❣️�

Welcoem to posts!!

in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c

InspektoraDeFrutas 🎚🩸
Posted 4 months ago

“Hurricanes”, PDiddy…
are all Manufactured #DISTRACTIONS for the sleeping masses while THEY ARE working hard behind the curtains on:

1) launching the REAL #pLandemic and next #VaxCampaign;
2) the DESTRUCTION of America from within;
3) collapse of World ECONOMY;
4) introduction of CBDC;
5) the #GreatReset……

1 Peter 5:8, Saints! ⚠️🚨
Lord Jesus give us wisdom and discernment at all times!
Amen 🙏

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InspektoraDeFrutas 🎚🩸
Posted 9 months ago

Their “DISINFORMATION” is really the objective TRUTH!
Because their father the devil is the liar and father of lies, who hates all truth and is unable to stand in it.

Very soon they will start blocking the real ultimate truth – the GOSPEL of Jesus Christ and all BIBLICAL Christian teaching!

They’ve already begun doing it in YT comments. All the Christian Truth that I write, exposing evil, usually gets deleted.
Especially when I expose the *catholic harlot* and its IDOL WORSHIP & HERESIES,
and also when I share with people how to REPENT, receive Jesus, and get born again…

#PersecutionOfChristians #SuppressionOfGodsTRUTH
are already here! ⚠️🚨🤷‍♀️

Hear, oh people of God:
First, (before Jesus comes) THE ANTICHRIST is coming, Brethren!
Watch out: as soon as a guy emerges — to put an end to the currently escalating #ORCHESTRATED “Israeli war” — and “brokers a PEACE covenant“ between Israel and “many [Middle Eastern] nations”,
WE WILL KNOW that he is THE AntiChrist!
( 📖 Daniel 7, 9, and 12).

That’s how we will know that THE FINAL WEEK of Daniel — ie. Jacob’s Trouble, ie. the last 7 years of this world — has begun!
And we will also know that in the MIDDLE of that “week”, — i.e. 3.5 years later — the AntiChrist himself will break that peace covenant and WILL ATTACK Israel with all his might and “with all the power of sATAN” that he will have been granted
(📖 2 Thessalonians 2: 3-12)

And *ONLY THEN* — AFTER another 3.5 years!!! — at the end of the Great Tribulation, “immediately after the tribulation of those days”, will the LORD JESUS return❗️
(📖 Matthew 24:29, 1 Corinthians 15:50-52, 1 Thessalonians 4:16-16, Revelation 19…)

Jesus Christ — the God and Judge in the flesh — is RETURNING to:
(1) first get His church #Resurrected and #Raptured out of here (the “First Resurrection” and “Catching Away” (Harpazo / “rapture”, 1 Thess. 4:16-17);

(2) and then effectuate God’s RIGHTEOUS #JUDGEMENT on the antichrist, the false prophet, and all the wicked kings of this world (the luciferian NWO/WEF crowd) and all the devil’s children — who REFUSED to “receive the love of the TRUTH (ie Jesus the Christ) so they might be SAVED”,
and who “did not receive the LIGHT (Jesus Christ) because they loved their sins and the darkness more because their works were evil…
📖 2 Thess. 2:9-12

Those who have eyes and ears, let them hear!
Hey God bless and keep all his born-again children, in the name of Jesus Christ.
God’s PEACE / Shalom be unto everyone,

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InspektoraDeFrutas 🎚🩸
Posted 9 months ago

- In 2001 they did it without “planes”;
- In 2020 they did it without a “virus”;
- In 2024 they did it [eclipse] without the moon…;

- They’ve been FAKING ‘Space Travel’ without “the Space” since 1960s;
- Presumably, soon they’ll stage an ‘Alien Invasion’ without “ET Aliens”…

- Oh, and let’s not forget that ALL major #WARS had been scripted, orchestrated, and staged! Without the real “enemies”…

- Curious what is coming next, WITHOUT a real culprit, and when? 🤔🧐

🚨 The devil is a #LIAR and #FatherOfLies; #TheSlanderer, #TheAsversary; #Murderer from the beginning.
John 8; 1 Peter 5:8.

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InspektoraDeFrutas 🎚🩸
Posted 10 months ago

“Is any SICK among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord:
And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he has committed SINS, they shall be forgiven him.”
~ James 5:14-15

“Confess your SINS to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.”
~ James 5:16

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InspektoraDeFrutas 🎚🩸
Posted 10 months ago

I already have 2 STRIKES here for trying to expose the TRUTH about enemy’s Agendas,
So I’m restricted from posting (especially anything significant) and am under heightened scrutiny.

Please head over to ​⁠@InspektoraDeFrutas — my backup.

Our Lord Jesus Christ is our EVERYTHING! (Light, Life, strength, hope and resurrection…)
Our Strength and VICTORY come only from Him!
We are OVERCOMERS only in Christ Jesus!

Let us never forget that and never begin trusting in our flesh, in our guns, in our money, in our prepping, nor in any other human beings or human knowledge / “wisdom” / planning…❗️⚠️🚨

Psalms 27, 125; Proverbs 3:5-6; Jeremiah 17:5-8, Isaiah 26:3-4, Romans 3:4…

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InspektoraDeFrutas 🎚🩸
Posted 10 months ago

I already have 2 STRIKES here for trying to expose the TRUTH about enemy’s Agendas,
So I’m restricted from posting (especially anything significant) and am under heightened scrutiny.

Please head over to ​⁠@InspektoraDeFrutas — my backup.

Our Lord Jesus Christ is our EVERYTHING! (Light, Life, strength, hope and resurrection…)
Our Strength and VICTORY come only from Him!
We are OVERCOMERS only in Christ Jesus!

Let us never forget that and never begin trusting in our flesh, in our guns, in our money, in our prepping, nor in any other human beings or human knowledge / “wisdom” / planning…❗️⚠️🚨

Psalms 27, 125; Proverbs 3:5-6; Jeremiah 17:5-8, Isaiah 26:3-4, Romans 3:4…

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InspektoraDeFrutas 🎚🩸
Posted 10 months ago

#Psalm91 #Isaiah2620

⚠️🚨 Guys, Brethren in Christ!
The next #pLandemic is def gonna happen sometime in early May!!!
Maybe will even be declared by late April. ⚠️
For sure.
They’re finalizing & signing their long-awaited “pLanDemic Treaty” by April 29.
Right in time for their favorite diabolical witchy UNholiday May 1 - #Beltane❗️

Beware and prepare.
#Thousands and #tens of thousands of people around us will be dying DAILY (Psalm 91:7).
The Holy Spirit has been WARNING His Church about this through His prophetic vessels in the recent years…

This will be the time for the “REWARD to the WICKED ONES” and “God’s INGIGNATION / WRATH” that Psalm 91:8 and Isaiah 26:20 were written about!!!
[this comes from my personal #revelations from the Holy Spirit a while ago. Ask Him yourself for confirmation!]

Only those of us who satisfy the PRECONDITIONS of Psalm 91
[1-2, 9, 14], shall be spared, protected and covered under the Lord’s almighty wing.

So help and guide us Lord Jesus ❗️🙏
Some #InsiderIntel info:
1) Doug & Stacey:
2) Steve 1 (jw tv):
3) Steve 2:

👀 👂 Those who have eyes and ears, let them see and hear!
#Psalm91 #Isaiah2620

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InspektoraDeFrutas 🎚🩸
Posted 10 months ago

#Psalm91 #Isaiah2620

⚠️🚨 Guys, Brethren in Christ!
The next #pLandemic is def gonna happen sometime in early May!!!
Maybe will even be declared by late April. ⚠️
For sure.
They’re finalizing & signing their long-awaited “pLanDemic Treaty” by April 29.
Right in time for their favorite diabolical witchy UNholiday May 1 - #Beltane❗️

Beware and prepare.
#Thousands and #tens of thousands of people around us will be dying DAILY (Psalm 91:7).
The Holy Spirit has been WARNING His Church about this through His prophetic vessels in the recent years…

This will be the time for the “REWARD to the WICKED ONES” and “God’s INGIGNATION / WRATH” that Psalm 91:8 and Isaiah 26:20 were written about!!!
[this comes from my personal #revelations from the Holy Spirit a while ago. Ask Him yourself for confirmation!]

Only those of us who satisfy the PRECONDITIONS of Psalm 91
[1-2, 9, 14], shall be spared, protected and covered under the Lord’s almighty wing.

So help and guide us Lord Jesus ❗️🙏
Some #InsiderIntel info:
1) Doug & Stacey:
2) Steve 1 (jw tv):
3) Steve 2:

👀 👂 Those who have eyes and ears, let them see and hear!
#Psalm91 #Isaiah2620

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InspektoraDeFrutas 🎚🩸
Posted 11 months ago

Ain’t that the Biblical TRUTH?!

*** “Easter” is not even in the Bible!
“Pesakh” means “Passover”.
LITERALLY. There is no other translation for it.
While “Easter” is not even a meaningful word (other than the transliteration of the demonic PAGAN ‘goddess of fertility’, Ishtar!)

If you are still clueless to this, please open your Bibles and read about what Passover actually meant and how God told the Jews to celebrate it.

And now, Jesus has become our Passover (1 Corinthians 5:7-8 New Testament) - the sacrifice for us, so we don’t need to slay a lamb every year to use its blood for protection.
Because Jesus Christ - the Holy Lamb of God - has been sacrificed for us. HalleluYah!!! 🙏 🐑.

This has nothing to do with a magical imaginary pagan “Easter”.
The term is “Passover”, which means that the angel of death PASSES OVER the houses of those who are covered by the BLOOD of the Lamb! 🎚❣️🩸

All glory and honor be to Christ Jesus our Lord / haMashiach Yeshua - Seh haElohim, Adonenu, Moshienu, Tsitkenu, Malkenu!!!

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InspektoraDeFrutas 🎚🩸
Posted 11 months ago

If any one considers ANY Human Soul — (whom Jesus created & died for!) — an “Illegal”,
THEY shall be found ILLEGAL
in God’s Heavenly Kingdom.
(📖 Mark 12:31, Galatians 5:14)

End of story. Case closed.
#WARNED ⚠️📛🔥

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