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I introduce Chinese gourmet information to everyone I have

Do you know what kind of cuisine is this? #shorts Have you ever tried osmanthus yam? It's delicious! Coming and learning to do it with me ~ #shorts Stewed Pork Ribs Soup~ #shorts #soup Japanese style barbecue~ #shorts Rainbow croissant! #shorts Is this black thing a pear??! この黒ものは梨! #shorts #Fruit #interestingfacts The aroma of sesame sauce and cheese is simply a delicious dish on earth~ #shorts # McDonald's Discovered Kapivara in Beijing!! 北京でカピバラ発見!! #shorts Coriander! Hot pot! Can you imagine it? #shorts #unbelievable #amazing #interestingfacts The "Mixed meat hot-pot" here is very special~ ここの「五目鍋」はとても特徴的で #shorts #happytime Food suitable for one person to eat~ 北京での一人食~#shorts Drink a glass and you'll fall in love with it - Chili Latte #shorts Super cheese that loves to eat brushed cheese~ #shorts Beef Hot Pot !寒いときはもちろん暖かい鍋を食べるでしょう! #shorts Fruit and vegetable bread~ #delicious #bread #shorts I have arrived at Yunnan Blue Moon Valley! 雲南の藍月谷にやってきました! #shorts #travel 手で食べる雲南独特な料理! #shorts Photos taken in Yunnan~ 雲南で撮ったチベット族の写真~ #shorts World Cultural Heritage - "Plateau Water Town" the Old Town of Lijiang !世界文化遺産—「高原の水郷」麗江古城 #shorts Holding a cute lamb! 🐑! かわいい羊ちゃん🐑を抱きました! #shorts A hot barbecue! #shorts Who ate my sausages! #shorts #interestingfacts Cake Buffet!一人88元(1800円)のバキスタン食べ放題! #shorts #amazing "Crossing the bridge noodles"! 雲南に来たら是非米線を食べてみてくだだい! #shorts Flowers blooming!花が咲き乱れ、千年の歴史の世界遺産「麗江古城」はとにかく美しい! #flower #shorts In Hangzhou, there are over 10 specialized shops just walking to eat crayfish! 杭州はザリガニブーム?!#shorts Barbecue! 杭州有名な「闻老头」菊花焼き肉にやってきました! #shorts Houttuynia cordata!ドクダミは根っこがおいしい!? 今日は中国の貴州料理ー焼き鳥を食べに来ました! #shorts Egg Burger!This is the first time I have seen such a production method! Sweet and spicy traditional Sichuan shrimp!甘辛香ばし風味の伝統的川エビ炒めに大行列! #shorts Coffee shop!!杭州で北京からのコーヒー屋さんが発見! #shorts The rich activities of the Asian Games Village! アジア大会メデイ村の豊富なイベント! #shorts Do you know what kind of cuisine this is? #shorts #interesting Dining in Hangzhou~ 杭州龍井村で一人食~ #shorts pink~pink~ Guoba Glutinous Rice Cake! #shorts #interestingfacts Elegant time around West Lake~ 西湖付近で優雅な時間を過ごました~ #shorts #happytime The delicious food from the street vendors is really healing for those who have just finished work. The pink fruit with ice is really cute! This store is in Shanghai #shorts Bomb pizza, would you like to eat it? #shorts #pizza I like to eat matcha the most~part2 #shorts I like to eat matcha the most~ part1 #shorts My good friend invited me to eat cakes of all flavors~ #shorts Do you dare to believe it This is Matcha's pancak #shorts Fragrant Roasted Pork with Scallions~ #shorts Thick cut fried pork chops with smooth egg cover rice~ #shorts Soufflé~ I love it~ #shorts A rather silky egg~ #shorts Exchange pin! ピンを交換しました! #shorts