Mujje Tutendereze Omukama (MTO) translated as "Come let's praise the Lord" is a Luganda Catholic Hymn Book consented/nihil obstat by Fr. Gerald Kalumba and Approved/Imprimatur by +Emmanuel Cardinal Wamala Archbishop.
Its a compilation of many Catholic Hymns, composed by different people many of which were Missionaries (White Fathers and the Mill Hill Missionaries), Priests and Lay Christians. The hymn book is written in venacular (Luganda) a local language of the central people of Uganda to enable Christians praise, worship and exalt the Lord in a language they understand.
Songs of all seasons, solemnities, Marian, Uganda Martyrs and Saints (St. Joseph & Theresa) are included in this book.
This Channel aims at helping Christians meditate, pray, learn and refer in case of wish to learn the beautiful hymns found therein.
"Muyimbire Omukama Oluyimba Oluggya"