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Braille Sounds

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Braille Sounds is a new series where we get weird in the stu

Cookin with @MoogSynthesizers Muse & @FloatingKnobs Cuisine! #synth #moogmodular #eurorack Looking for dub in all the wrong cases #euroracksynth #eurorack #jam šŸŽ¹ Fender Rhodes into a warbly @FairfieldCircuitry pedal chain = šŸŒ„ #electronicmusic #rhodes #moog Semi Modular Gateway Drug šŸ’‰ #synth #electronicinstrument #modularmusic #modularsynth #semimodular Itā€™s an @MoogSynthesizers makeover! šŸ’šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø #synth #moog #eurorack #modularsynth Nothing is sacred! Check out the rest in the full video. #electronicmusic #modularsynth #sounddesign Triple Transit is out! #electronicmusic #albumrelease #modularmusic #musicalbum Had this unreleased track lying around and couldnā€™t resistā€¦ #trumpisweird #weird How To Make Loop-Breaking Electronic Music! #electronicmusic #modularsynth #eurorack @MAKEN0ISEMUSIC Strega + @rolandglobal 808 = cursed šŸ§Œ beats #electronicmusic #modularsynth The Most Dangerous 808 Goblin Beat In The World I made a beat with a CURSED goblin 808 Palette to paradiseā€¦ #modulation #electronicmusic #modularsynth #pedals #studio Pedal Bae Seasons the Soundsā€¦ #pedals #synthesizer #eurorack #studio #tutorial Pedal Power! #electronicmusic #modularsynth #pedals Keep it maximalist! #modularsynth #modularmusic #remix How to start a modular remix! #modularsynth #modularmusic #remix Remixing Bodhiā€™s ā€œreformatā€ with eurorack hardware. Dead and buried all the haters... Prepare for the worst! Fight ā€œthe fearā€! Assess yourself before you mess yourself! Drum variation with my Verbos Multi-Delay! Chopping Beats with Modular Synths! Live Eurorack Breakbeat Madness! Unstoppable Basslines on Loop! #modularsynth #looping #studio How much music theory do you really need to know? #electronicmusic #musictheory #eurorack Making Modular Chords for Cthulhu fans! #electronicmusic #modularsynth #eurorack #cthulhu Get out of my way! #electronicmusic #eurorack #liveperformance #abletonpush3 Keep your set moving with THE BIG BUTTON! #eurorack #liveperformance #electronicmusic #abletonpush3 I TOOK THE BLUE PILL. Suntime - the new single off Triple Transit (Hotflush Recordings) My TRIPLE TRANSIT Live Set is Up! #eurorack #live #modularsynth Debuting my ā€œTriple Transitā€ live set on @thelotradio tomorrow, May 8th at 4PM EST! #liveset A wild ghost producer appears during a studio stream! #studio #catsofyoutube #eurorack Triggers With the Play Fader #musicgear #eurorack #modularsynth #studio Ghost Producer Roā€¦ Cloud Monger Artwork BTS! #artwork #albumart #ipad #applepencil #music "Cloud Monger" the next single off my upcoming album "Triple Transit" is out now! #electronicmusic Do you believe? #ableton #studio #electronicmusic 4ms PEG Trill Trick! #eurorack #modularsynth #studio #4ms While Weā€™re Free Live Edit #liveset #eurorack #modularsynth Stormking Live Edit #liveset #modularsynth #eurorack Dirt Family Art Process #albumart #artwork #applepencil Dirt Family Live Edit #eurorack #liveset I really went for itā€¦ #jam #studio #producerlife #house šŸ”„šŸŒŽšŸ”„ ā€œHot as Hellā€ the second single off my upcoming EP is out today. Link in bio! #idm Sun Drift #idm #eurorack #modularsynth Mario is Sleepy #idm #eurorack #modularsynth