The Bonkers People title represents all people who are eccentric, aloof, crazy and daft. My channel is designed to brighten up your day and release stress for a while. My videos are everything that the word ‘BONKERS!’ means. Bizarre, aloof, mental, crazy, mad and to stun your mind in a humorous way. My videos vary from crude humour to inspirational and uplifting moments. Light-hearted humour meets feel good vibes. ‘Bonkers’ also means nonsensical, and I have some of those videos lined up but there could be a message in it for you. You have to watch them to find out.
So please like & subscribe & share my videos and support my channel. I think I inherited my bonkersness from my dad. He is in heaven watching sports on the big tv in the sky in god’s pub. If you like my content, then let me know you exist via the video comments section. Talking gibberish and talking backwards has its advantages. Intrigued? watch my videos ;)
Enjoy! Good Luck! And happy bonkering!