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Anita Illing

192 subscribers - no pronouns :c

Welcome to my channel. My intention is to inspire and empowe

Welcoem to posts!!

in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c

Anita Illing
Posted 9 months ago

When each of us resolve the conflict inside we resolve the conflict out there.
Sometimes we need to get shocked enough to say that this is enough! That we want a better world. When we get shocked, we at the same time become more and more higly sensotive to others and how they feel and rgen we easily empathice and relate and feel others pain, we feel connected so deeply to those who hurt that ww cannot take it anymore and therefore begin questioning things and become a seeker to how we can positively change the world. More people will feel called into theur devine mission and demand the world becime a better place, starting with ourselves!

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Anita Illing
Posted 10 months ago

Some tips for those who will receive; We can turn our wounds into our strengths by realising how we are different from everyone else. You are unique so face your fears inside of you, others have other fears. Just breathe, sit with them and let the light turn on.

Compete only with yourself in life, to become the best YOU - you can be! You are on your unique path🩷others are on theirs!

If you feel agitated, stuck or scared maybe my meditation below on my feed might help you and then after it continue to sit with your «issue» until it releases. Just observe your mind go crazy until it stops. Then when you see it differently use the energy to get creative in some way🤩 Creativity is a lot of things, not just for artist😉

If you feel happy, I LOVE IT🩷🤩enjoy it!

~ Anita

For more tips follow me🌷here or on my other platforms, this is where you find all my links; and in bio

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Anita Illing
Posted 10 months ago

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Anita Illing
Posted 10 months ago

A guided Meditation Connecting you deep with Your body,Mother Earth and your Soul💞Deep into trust🙏

#meditation #trust #motherearth

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Anita Illing
Posted 10 months ago

Er du klar for neste steg i din personlige utvikling og din indre Spirituelle reise?

⭐️Klar for noe virkelig meningsfullt, og spennende? Et indre dypdykk?

🌟Blir du med på et transformativt helge-kurs med meg? I Sandefjord☺️

👉Ta kontakt for en uforpliktende samtale på tlf: 99 15 65 29.

⭐️DETTE BLIR EN HEALING-GRUPPE/COACHING SIRKEL- med 4 andre fine mennesker, pluss deg og meg, 6 totalt. Hvor jeg er lærer, guide og mentor

🦋 Dato;

Lørdag 6. April kl. 10.00 - 20.00

Søndag 7.April kl.10.00 - 18.00

⭐️ «Gul Sofa HEALING-SIRKEL» ⭐️

– Er Spesielt for deg Som føler at du er;

🌟LYSARBEIDER og/eller en som HOLDER LYSET og trenger hjelp med det, og å komme inn i din kraft og få verktøyene for det og verktøyene for å beholde din energi og kraft imens vi går gjennom dette store skiftet som menneskehet🦋🌈

kr. 2.222,- for 2 dager inkl.enkel lunch og sunn snacks, kaffe og urte-te!

NB! Var tidligere 3 dager☺️

🌟Kontakt meg for en samtale og mer info her;

Tlf; 99 15 65 29

eller på email;

⭐️ Vi lever i en tid hvor det er viktig at vi møtes og jobber FYSISK sammen og tilbringer tid i og rundt hverandres aura og energi, og connecter følelsesmessig og mentalt og energetisk dypt med andre OG LYSARBEIDERE AKTIVERER HVERANDRE ytterligere😌

🤩 Påmelding- Anita, på tlf; 99 15 65 29

⭐️Det sies at jeg er god på, og jeg lover å skape et trygt ROM og stemning i gruppa mens vi gjør dette dype «arbeidet» så det er lett å åpne opp, være sårbar og dele og ta imot🙏

Du må gjerne ringe for spm☺️💜
tlf; 99 15 65 29

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Anita Illing
Posted 10 months ago

God Palme-Søndag til deg og dine🩷Ønsker deg ei kjempefin Påske ☀️🌷

PS! Jeg har åpent for Holistisk Coaching flere dager i Påsken☺️
Bare å ta kontakt å få en time om du trenger litt guiding/veiledning eller en samtale-partner💞 eller vi tar det på sparket der og da, over telefon eller kamera, om det passer og jeg er ledig.
Tlf; 99 15 65 29

Får du ikke svar så sender du bare en sms med navnet ditt så svarer jeg så raskt jeg kan🌸

Betaling gjøres enkelt over firma VIPPS før/når vi starter samtalen.

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Anita Illing
Posted 10 months ago

I just love this🥰 it takes courage to have a soft front, open heart and let people in, so we need to have a strong backbone or spine at the same time☺️ A wild heart is rebellious and free and can not be tamed🤩Have a lovely weekend☀️🙏🌸❤️

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Anita Illing
Posted 10 months ago

We do Self sabotage and hold ourselves back so much from reaching our goals and going for our dreams in life. This was my first live ever on here, to demonstrate stepping out of the comfortzone myself😄😄 Now I have to get used to it by doing it over and over again, regurarly!
#fear #selfdoubt #selfsabotaging #compassion #grace #getbackup #dreams #goals #bravery

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Anita Illing
Posted 10 months ago

We really should be grateful for our ability to feel things deeply, for our sensitivities and our humaness, more than ever. And focus on making that acceptable and understand that is the core trait of being human is our ability to feel deeply. It is NOT a weakness as we are indoctrinated to believe. It is our greatest strength because it allows us to heal ans shed and decondition faster when we stop supressing everything that is uncomfortable.

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Anita Illing
Posted 10 months ago

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