Welcome to my channel. My intention is to inspire and empower you with my knowledge and education, using the techiques and tools that I have used myself over the years. I call it a "Selfhelp kit" to draw from whenever life gets challenging, so we can live OUR BEST LIFE! I consider myself a philosopher, a Spiritual truth-seeker who desires to help many, with my experience I have gained through my life with many challenges.I am a certified Success/Life-Coach, health Coach, Yoga-Instructor, Personal Trainer, Massage Theraphist, Natural Health Theraphist and healer. As a business-owner I have several years behind me in my own locals and now online. I hope you find something here that empowers, inspire and helps you and get you to reflect over life´s many phases. Nurture, love, support and take care of yourself first and your own needs, always. Then you will have more to give to others and serve from your overflow, attract wonderful people around you and lead a joyful, harmonious life.