in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
Tomad el control de vuestras vidas (o de su aproximación linealizada 6·(s+1)/(s+3)^2, si la vida os parece muy complicada para controlarla) en el próximo año 2025, ¡feliz año!.
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Mucho ánimo a mis alumnos y ex-alumnos que viváis en el Sur de Valencia y hayáis sufrido lo peor de las inundaciones. Yo vivo en la mitad Norte de la ciudad y ahí no hemos tenido ningún problema (apenas cuatro gotas), pero a dos Km de casa, los muertos se cuentan ya en casi doscientos (y subiendo) y sois muchísima gente sin agua ni electricidad. ¡Menudo desastre!. Cuidaos mucho, un abrazo.
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Bueno, ¡ya somos 1500!. Muchas gracias a los que me seguís, bien "obligados" por ser alumnos míos o bien "libremente", je. 👍🏽
Un saludo a todos y todas, y espero que los vídeos os sirvan para motivaros a aprender sobre todo esto... ¡o para aprobar mis exámenes!.
Acordaos de visitar/suscribir a mi canal en inglés @ASalaControlEN : en algún momento todo saldrá en español aquí, pero por "variar los temas" los canales no están sincronizados. Ahora tengo allí, ya publicadas, cosas sobre manipulabilidad de robots y optimización bayesiana.
A. Sala
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Hi, Happy New Year!. I just uploaded a NEW video to my @ASalaControlEN (English-only) channel, dealing with confidence regions in normal distribution. This is a reminder to non-Spanish followers: switch your subscription to the new channel, as no further English content will appear on this formerly bilingual site.
¡Feliz año!, a los hispanohablantes, je.
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A NEW video was published yesterday in @ASalaControlEN : (Euler-lagrage modelling of a pinion-rack mechanism). This video is new, i.e., it is not a migration of a video already in this channel. From now on, new content in English will appear only in the above-referred channel.
I'll post a couple more announcements here, but remember to subscribe there to keep informed of new content in English.
*Españoles y latinoamericanos que entendáis inglés, os animo también a suscribiros. La versión española del contenido acabará saliendo, pero puede que tarde un poco (en español, tiene prioridad el contenido que más interese a mis alumnos actuales).
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*IMPORTANT:* Last video in English in this channel.
Yesterday, I uploaded . Starting next week, new content in English language will be uploaded ONLY in the @ASalaControlEN channel [ ]. So, subscribe to the NEW channel to get informed about freshly uploaded content.
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*A message to my "non-Spanish-native" audience:*
to avoid "alienating" you with videos in a language you don't understand, I am planning to migrate all English-language content to a dedicated channel, even if it might be not that good for monetization-related stats... but a bilingual channel is sort of messy, I think.
For the moment, things will remain as usual here, at least until December: I will publish one new video in English roughly every week, I've got 6+ weeks in the publication queue.
When migration is more advanced, I might eventually switch to only posting new English-language content on the new channel.
Don't worry: I'll post an announcement on both channels when that moment arrives...
FYI: this is the new English-only channel [ ] you will be asked to subscribe to, in due course... well, you may do it now, if you wish. Thanks for your support.
*To my Spanish-speaking audience:* si entiendes inglés (deberías, ¿no?), te invito a suscribirte a ambos canales.
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Feliz Año nuevo a todos los 691 que me seguís a fecha de hoy. Happy New Year to my (few, I guess) non-Spanish followers. Gracias/Thanks !-).
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Acabamos de alcanzar los 500 suscriptores.
Muchas gracias a todos y feliz comienzo de curso a estudiantes y profesores.
500 subscribers! Thanks to you all and happy new course to all the students and lecturers out there. I'm diminishing the rate of videos in English because I'm in the middle of uploading content in Spanish for my new introductory course. But they are on the way.
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Videos and teaching material (mostly in Spanish) for Engineering and Computer Science students (B.Sc. to Ph.D.) in modelling, identification and control topics.
Welcome to my channel with instructional videos. I'm Antonio Sala, professor at Univ. Politecnica Valencia (UPV).
Emphasis is on basic concepts, application ideas, and Matlab code; the videos contain simplifications and omissions, so they may not be optimal for a specialized audience in Mathematics or senior researchers.
There are videos in both Spanish and English, but new uploaded content ***will only be in Spanish language***.
Content in English will be moved to the twin English-only channel , so you should migrate/subscribe to it by now.
At you have all my videos in English sorted out by topic.
Please like, subscribe, etc. to support my work.