in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
Hello dear all,
Some friends have made the polite request for a session on research methodology. A couple of other friends have requested a session on the structure of and End-of Study Project (ESP).
These two axes will be addressed in a live session tomorrow, Thursday, at 21h.
Show interest and share this announcement among your friends.
Thank you.
22 - 4
Many students have requested another session on phonology. Responsive as I am to such requests, I invite you to a live session this evening at 21h. We will discuss and suggest solutions to the exercises posted on the Facebook page:
Please spread the announcement.
Subscribe to the channel if you have not.
Little interest shown means little motivation to hold the session.
22 - 1
In today's live session at 21h:
1. Description of consonants (voicing, place and manner)
2. Description of vowels (Height, tongue position and lip status).
Target audience:
- S1 students
- Students about to take the 'Introduction to Linguistics' course in S4.
- Future teachers.
- Anyone who would like to brush up on phonetics.
Show interest in this live session and share the link to the Youtube page.
Thank you!
13 - 1
في مباشر هذا المساء على الساعة التاسعة:
1- إسناد النّبر في اللغة الانجليزية وكيفية تحديد المقطع وانواع المقاطع حسب موقعها في الكلمة.
الفئات المستهدفة:
- كل الطلبة المعنيون بالصواتية وباللسانيات واساتذة المستقبل.
2- مناقشة عن طريق اسئلة/أجوبة.
قوموا بنشر رابط الصفحة أدناه مع من تظنون أنهم مهتمون بالموضوع.
24 - 1
In today's session at 21h:
1) Stress rules in English.
Target audience:
- S1 students
- Students about to start S4
- Future teachers of English.
-2) Questions/answers.
- Please share the Youtube link below in your groups.
6 - 0
Hello dear all,
Expect a live session today, Saturday, at 21h. I will address the following (related) points:
- NP movement in passive constructions
- INFL as a nominative case assigner.
- Case Filter.
Show interest, subscribe to the Youtube channel if you have not and share this announcement. Thank you so much!
5 - 1
This page offers brief, to-the-point and perspicuous mini-lessons to students of English, quantitative researchers and students doing linguistics. The page is also responsive to individual questions raised by audience.