Welcome! My name is Heather. I am a Canadian yoga educator, traveller, writer, scoliosis expert & mother.
Sparked by personal drive, adventure and self-anaylsis to overcome many challenges, Yoga became my career and vocation by default. Once an aspiring actress, I left that world when I began travelling to Mother India; making 25 trips over the last 25 years to live in ashrams, and study under Swamis, Gurus and Masters. Before shifting online, I taught hundreds of students at my Yoga school in Toronto, Canada, for 16 years.
Yoga is a journey that includes, but is not limited to, postures, breathing, meditation and a long lineage of practices. It is the remedy for health issues, mental diseases and spiritual abandonment, and pro-aging.
On my channel, discover the right breathing, the use of mantras and how to practice with a holistic approach. The wisdom of traditional Yoga is timeless and a haven during all life's triumphs, sorrows pains and joys.
Let me be your guide!