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Proclaim Jehovah

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The WORD of God is Jesus Christ, our LORD and Savior. And Fa

Tamil Verse of the Day Shorts #1113 | Ps 97:5, Exo 19:18, Isa 64:1-2, Ps 47:2, Hab 3:6 Tamil Verse of the Day Shorts #1112 | Exo 3:9, Ps 12:5, Mic 7:8, Isa 42:13,Isa 33:10 Tamil Verse of the Day Shorts #1111 | Isa 49:24, Isa 49:25, Isa 54:13,1 John 2:20, 1 Cor 2:21-22 Tamil Verse of the Day Shorts #1110 | Isa 55:6, Isa 45:19, Ps 32:6, Amos 5:6, Ps 95:7 Tamil Verse of the Day Shorts #1109 | John 1:29, 2 Cor 5:21, Matt 20:28, Gal 1:4 Tamil Verse of the Day Shorts #1108 | Gen 41:38-39, Gen 41:43-44, Phil 2:10-11, Rev 4;11 Tamil Verse of the Day Shorts #1107 | 1 John 3:9, 1 John 4:7, 1 John 4:4, 1 John 4:6, Tamil Verse of the Day Shorts #1106 | 2 Peter 3:18, Rev 1:5, Rev 1:6, Rev 1:6, Tamil Verse of the Day Shorts #1105 | Mark 1:3, Mal 3:1, John 1:15, Isa 9:6 Tamil Verse of the Day Shorts #1104 | Ps 106:1-2, Ps 40:5, Ps 139:17, Rom 11:33, Eph 3:18-19 Tamil Verse of the Day Shorts #1103 | Ps 42:1, Ps 43:6, Ps 143:7, Ps 73:26, 2Cor 4:16, 2 Cor 4:8-10 Tamil Verse of the Day Shorts #1102 | Ps 98:4, Num 23:21, Ps 47:5-6, Ps 47:7, Ps 89:15 Tamil Verse of the Day Shorts #1101 | Ps 22:22, Ps 40:9, Ps 40:10, Ps 71:8, 15, Ps 71:16 Tamil Verse of the Day Shorts #1100 | Jer 50:4, Jer 31:9 Jer 31:20, Hos 14:4, Isa 57:18, Tamil Verse of the Day Shorts #1099 | John 16:13, John 14:17, John 15:26, John 16:14-15, Zech 12:10, Tamil Verse of the Day Shorts #1098 | Gen 9:13-14, Gen 9:16, Isa 54:8, Isa 54:10 Tamil Verse of the Day Shorts #1097 | Ex0 12:25, Exo 12:13, Exo 12:12, Exo 12:41,51 Tamil Verse of the Day Shorts #1096 | Ps 25:4-5, Ps 143:10, Ps 25:9, Ps 25:8,Isa 26:7, Ep 2:10 Tamil Verse of the Day Shorts #1095 | Rom 8:30, Rom 12:1, Rom 12:2, Rom 6:13 Tamil Verse of the Day Shorts #1094 | Col 1:28, Rom 10:9-10, Col 1:27, Gal 2:20, Gal 4:19, Col 3:11 Tamil Verse of the Day Shorts #1092 | Mark 1:14-15, Luke 14:18-19, Heb 2:14, Phil 2:8 Tamil Verse of the Day Shorts #1092 | Isa 50:10, John 12:35, John 12:46, Ps 121:4, John 8:12 Tamil Verse of the Day Shorts #1091 | John 14:27, John 16:33, Isa 41:13, Isa 41:14 Tamil Verse of the Day Shorts #1090 | Isa 61:11, 2 Cor 9:10, Isa 55:11, Matt 13:24,37, 1Peter 1:23 Tamil Verse of the Day Shorts #1088 | Isa 55:6, Isa 55:7, 1 Peter 2:10, Matt 7:7-8 Tamil Verse of the Day Shorts #1088 | Isa 54:8, Isa 59:20, Isa 60:16, Isa 63:16, Rev 5:9-10 Tamil Verse of the Day Shorts #1087 | 2 Peter 1:21, 1 Cor 12:13, 1 Cor 12:8-9, 1 Cor 12:10 Tamil Verse of the Day Shorts #1086 | 2 Peter 1:21, 1 Cor 12:13, 1 Cor 12:8-9, 1 Cor 12:10 Tamil Verse of the Day Shorts #1083 | Ps 12:6, Ps 119:130, Prov 1:23, Prov 30:5, Heb 4:12, Matt 5:18 Tamil Verse of the Day Shorts #1083 | 1 Kings 18:37, 1 Kings 18:21, 1 Kings 18:38-39, 2 Chr 20:6 Tamil Verse of the Day Shorts #1083 | Lev 19:2, Exo 20:12, Lev 19:3, Exo 20:3, Lev 19:4, Lev 20:26, Tamil Verse of the Day Shorts #1081 | Ps 77:14-15, Ps 105:5, Ps 136:4, Rev 15:3, Exo 15:11, Ps 86:8 Tamil Verse of the Day Shorts #1081 | Isa 63:3, Isa 63:12, Ps 78:52, Ps 77:20, Ps 78:53, Isa 63:2, Tamil Verse of the Day Shorts #1080 | Ps 119:49,43,Ps 119:81,74, Ps 119:50-51, Job 23:11, John 6:63 Tamil Verse of the Day Shorts #1078 | John 14:6, Isa 35:8, Isa 35:9, Acts 4:12 Tamil Verse of the Day Shorts #1078 | Ps 71:10-11, Ps 80:13, Ps 89:41, Ps 57:3, Ps 43:3 Tamil Verse of the Day Shorts #1077 | Joel 2:23, Isa 44:3, Joel 2:28, Joel 2:27-26 Tamil Verse of the Day Shorts #1076 | Ps 23:1-3, Ps 138:7, Isa 41:10,Eze 37:24,Mic 5:4,John 10:14-15 Tamil Verse of the Day Shorts #1075 | Isa 44:21-22, Ezek 34:16, Ezek 34:23,11, Eze 34:12-13 Tamil Verse of the Day Shorts #1074 | Ps 10:18 Ps 10:14 Ps 68:5, Jer 23:24 Tamil Verse of the Day Shorts #1073 | Isa 40:28-29, Jer 3:23, Ps 121:1-2,4-5, Ps 46:1 | Tamil Verse of the Day Shorts #1072 | Exo 15:1,3, Exo 15:6, Exo 15:11, Exo 15:13 Tamil Verse of the Day Shorts #1071 | Exo 14:14-15, Exo 14:13, 2 Chr 20:17, Isa 31:4-5 Tamil Verse of the Day Shorts #1070 | Ps 119:18, 27, Isa 29:18, Isa 32:3, J0hn 3:17, John 9:39, Tamil Verse of the Day Shorts #1069 | Dan 6:20, Dan 6:22-23, Ps 91:11-13, 2 Tim 4:17 Tamil Verse of the Day Shorts #1068 | Phil 4:13, 2 Cor 12:9, Ps 125:1, Prov 18:10, Heb 11:33, Tamil Verse of the Day Shorts #1067 | 1 Sam 17 45, Ps 44:6, Ps 118:10, Ps 18:2, 2 Cor 10:4, Ps 124:8 Tamil Verse of the Day Shorts #1066 | John 14:3, Luke 22:30, John 12:26, John 14:20, 2 Cor 5:17