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Movement & Mindset w/ Jenna

145 subscribers - no pronouns :c

I'm Jenna, a Pilates & Pain Relief Expert with over 20 years

👀 Sick by Design? The Dark Connection Between Food & Big Pharma #chronicillness #foodismedicine 💫How to Recognize the Subconscious Beliefs Keeping You Stuck! #beliefs #subconsciousreprogramming Easily Reprogram Beliefs 🪄#josephrodrigues #subconsciousreprogramming #beliefs #rewireyourbrain Triggered? Do This to Take Your Power Back!! #SomaticHealing#HealingTools#NervousSystem#MindsetShift God is Handling This Challenge ✨#chronicdisease #revike #godiswithyou #lawofassumption Your Body Hurts B/C it’s Missing These 4 Movements! #painrelief #mobility #balance #primalmovement Best Exercise For Scoliosis! #traction #breathe #scoliosis #scoliosistreatment #scoliosiswarrior Standing Functional Glute Strength 🔥 #healthyhips #glutesworkout #balance Posture Made Easy! #posturetips #posture #spinehealth Aging=Knee Pain? Nope! #kneepain #kneepainrelief #kneearthritis YOU are ENOUGH! #selflove #empoweryourself #selfconcept How to Move Like a Kid Again #PrimalMovement-Comment “Nutritious” for the Checklist! #mobility #pain Stop People Pleasing & Get Your Needs Met #nervoussystemregulation #fawn #peoplepleasing Your Core Is Already Strong || Trust Your Guts! #core #bellyfat #abs Allow the Body to Be As I Am #nervoussystemhealth #nervoussystemregulation #somaticmovement Freedom From Pain! #painmanagement #chronicdisease #chronicpainwarrior #healing Your Body Knows How to Heal #chronicpain #painrelief #innerhealing Stop Obsessive Thoughts! #healingtheinnerchild #ocdtips #stopthinking #mindfulness Chronic Pain-Inner Child Mediitation #chronicpain #innerchild #innerchildhealing Best Core Exercise! #lowbackpainrelief #coreworkout #pilates Everything is Working Out For You! #subconsciousmind #lawofassumption #selflove Shut Your Mind Up!? 🤔 Reconnect with Your Inner Child! #innerchild #innerchildhealing #meditation #1 Nervous System Regulator #subconsciousmind #mindbodypilates#nervoussystemhealth #mobility Fastest Way to Flow State || Nervous System Regulation You Are Already Regulated! Your body knows exactly what to do! #nervoussystemregulation #iam