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Views : 10,706
Genre: People & Blogs
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Sep 17, 2022 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
The dream physique.. this is my life goal to be at your level. We are both 240 lbs about same height but you are like 10 percent leaner. This is my life goal. If I could walk around 240 looking like you here I would become a giga chad and get a girlfriend just like you did. You are a freak my friend. You should be proud of your accomplishment. You are the top .00000001% of natties. Accept your title.
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2 years ago
Taking bodybuilding much more seriously. The words you use to give life and substance to a goal have meaning and power. To me, bodybuilding is the building of the body. It is not detached from strength, endurance, power, or health. It is all encompassing. When pursuing strength, my mind sees it as pushing the body to display, rather than building something. Anyone can start maxing everyday, become neurologically proficient, and add 50-70lbs to a lift in short time. But did you build anything? Take a week off and you will lose half, try to go any further and you will be halted. But to build, you have a foundation of size, work capacity, endurance, technique, nutrition, and tissue integrity. Strength = destination. Bodybuilding= process. Change the perspective
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