Rainbow Serpent Holy Uluru (Kundalini Awaken Self Realization) Sahaja Yoga Meditation Shri Mataji Kingdom God Tjukurpa Dreamtime Emerald City Love

84 videos • 493 views • by SelfRealization KundaliniAwakening Rainbow Serpent Holy Uluru (Kundalini Awakening Self Realization) Emerald City Kingdom God - HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation. 'In 2002 I met an Aboriginal Elder at Sydney Town Hall in front of the Queen Victoria Building. Spontaneously I asked, “Is it true that each and every human being has the Rainbow Serpent within himself?” Surprised, she replied, “Yes!” I continued, “Is it true that we can feel this Rainbow Serpent as a cool breeze in our hands, on the top of our head and in our body?” Even more surprised, she agreed and said, “The Rainbow Serpent is the Beauty, the Emerald City each and every human being is looking for. Go to Northern Territory. Go to Uluru, but do not climb the Rock.” I absolutely agreed as we all know that Uluru is sacred. I told her that in Sahaja Yoga we teach about the Rainbow Serpent known also as Kundalini, Holy Ghost, Tao, Ruh, for free, to anyone interested, to help people to reconnect themselves with the Land and their roots. She was happy, and while she was shaking my hand on leaving, my body became suddenly completely cool and remained cool for a few hours. ...' http://www.sahajayoga.com.au/news/200... Shri Mataji Ganesha (Channel) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEQv... About Uluru http://www.shrimahaganeshapuja.com/ab...