Sahaja Yoga (Uluru Ayers Rock) Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - Ganesha Mooladhara Australia (Innocence Wisdom)

64 videos • 501 views • by SelfRealization KundaliniAwakening Uluru Ayers Rock Australia (Mooladhara Chakra, Shri Ganesha, Innocence, Wisdom, Son of God) - HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation. "The Deity of innocence is your Uluru, which stands there and the people of Australia I have found have a special blessing of God that they get realization very fast, they keep it up and they grow very fast." (H.H.Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Public Program, Brisbane, Australia, 1987-0505) "Now this Ganesha has appeared in Australia as Uluru. It's a very big mountain which looks like Shri Ganesh. It has a very big trunk going down. Vibrations itself will prove that it is Shri Ganesh, from the Mother Earth. He has appeared in many places, Shri Ganesh, not only there. But there I felt is the, really the source, source of vibrations. That's what is. And in Australia I thank him that, because of him only, Sahaja Yoga has worked so well and so easily, and government also has never troubled us, or there has been no problem with them. I don't know what is helping them, but perhaps it is the Shri Ganesha as Uluru which is protecting Sahaja Yoga there, and its growing so well." (H.H.Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Shri Ganesha Puja 1999) "[Australia] is the land which is the land of purity. This is the land in the universe is the first center that you see there, and Uluru that you have means, as I told you, is the Chaitanya, is the symbol of that purity." (H.H.Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Public Program, Sydney, 1990-0317) "It is very remarkable that it has worked so well also in Australia. Australia is a special country. I call it a country of innocence. Uluru that you have is a symbol of that. Gradually in Sahaja Yoga you will learn about your country and you will respect it. As you learn about yourself you will also learn about this great country of Australia. I respect it very much and every year I try to come here. Many countries I can’t go every year but Australia I always try to come here every year. I hope you all will get your self-realisation tonight." ((H.H.Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Public Program. Sydney (Australia), 21 February 1995) Uluru (also known as Ayers Rock) is a large rock formation in the middle of Australia. It is close to Kata Tjuta (The Olgas). Uluru is notable for appearing to change colour as the different light strikes it at different times of the day and year, with sunset a particularly remarkable sight when it briefly glows red. Uluru is listed as a World Heritage Site. Uluru is one of Australia's most recognisable natural landmarks. Both Uluru and Kata Tjuta are sacred sites to the Aboriginal people of the area and have great cultural significance for the Aṉangu, the traditional landowners. Uluru is a site with tremendous positive vibrations reflecting the qualities of Shri Ganesha and our Mooladhara chakra. A respectful visit to this site is always a great experience. (Uluru tour, organized as a side event of the Ganesha Puja 2007) http://mothersarchive.sahajaworldfoun... About 90 Sahaja Yogis from 24 different countries pay homage to Australia’s iconic heartland... Uluru (Ayers Rock), the abode of Shri Ganesha. ... yogis on the tour were greatly honoured by the presence of Sadhana Didi and Uncle Rommel, who shared many of those unforgettable moments and, alike all of us, marvelled at the sublime and most elevating nature of this soil. Sahaja Links: (Ayers Rock (Uluru) = Shr Ganesha) http://mothersarchive.sahajaworldfoun... http://dictionnairesahajayoga.blogspo... Photos (Rain)