International Yoga Day 2022 - World IDY (June 21) Sahaja Yoga Meditation - Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi (Kundalini Awaken Self Realization) Week Festival
219 videos • 890 views • by SelfRealization KundaliniAwakening CELEBRATING INTERNATIONAL YOGA DAY 2022 (IYD) 🌺🙏❣️ Sahaja Yoga Meditation is hosting free online programs, classes, concerts and more for everyone in celebration of International Day of Yoga (IDY) Week Festival ~ Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi founder. International Yoga Day 2022 (IYD) WEBSITES:: CHANNELS: ----- True Yoga is our union with the All-pervading Power. Sahaja Yoga Meditation provides this connection through Self-realisation and Kundalini awakening. Traditionally, Yoga means union with this energy, and in the past, exercises associated with modern day physical yoga were used to attain this meditation state. Today, this meditation is easily achieved through a process called Self-realisation (Kundalini awakening) which frees us from stress and enables us to enjoy the present moment. In 1970, Shri Mataji founded this meditation, which can improve our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. The Sahaja Yoga Meditation technique brings about a state of thoughtless awareness that quietens the mind and connects us to our inner self and the All-pervading Energy. Sahaja Meditation is a simple, time-honored technique. It helps reduce stress and increase wellness. It brings better focus and helps people become more centered and balanced. If there is no peace within, can we truly sustain global peace? Humanity has come to realize the importance of self-development and balance especially amongst youth and those in the forefront of science, politics education and arts. As a UNESCO Center for peace partner, Sahaja Meditation is built to develop, strengthen, and integrate, the human potential, in all aspect. We truly become instruments for peace in our individual countries and around the world. With Sahaja, one can easily tap into one’s inner-present in each of us-and harness its power to bring holistic balance as well as a true state of peace and mental silence. The experience of silence is tangible and groundbreaking in that it can be achieved over the course of an afternoon! With regular practice, health problems may be eliminated and complete harmony of self with one’s surroundings is possible. It is an indispensible investment in facilitating perfection at almost every level. All classes and workshops are offered free of charge, and anyone can do it. Sahaja Yoga Meditation - United Nations (playlist) Sahaja Yoga Meditation Links: