World Meditation Day - May 21st (Sahaja Yoga Meditate) Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - Self Realisation Kundalini Awakening (Power Love God Miracle)

43 videos • 83 views • by SelfRealization KundaliniAwakening World Meditation Day - HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi founder of Sahaja Yoga about Meditation: "You all have to become masters in Sahaja Yoga... and for becoming masters in Sahaja Yoga I am sure you are doing meditation... introspection... and all kinds of Sahaja Yoga practices. You have to meditate collectively... whenever there is collective meditation, you must join that. With collective meditation... you get alright... all your problems are solved if you go to collective meditation regularly... I promise you (001231) Meditation is the most Sahaja method (760330); Is nothing but surrendering - is 'complete' surrendering (820731); Is very important, in order to achieve faith in oneself (961020); It is not necessary that you should sit for meditation for 3 to 4 hours (880105), but is to be done regularly, daily (830121), 10 minutes morning and evening (870513); This right and left side movement has to finish... you have to be in the centre, and to come in the centre the best thing is to meditate... about 10 minutes in the night and about 5 minutes in the morning; Some people do not meditate... then they cannot grow... the way you can grow is only through meditation and understanding (980706); Meditation is the medicine (850806), and is very important, in order to achieve faith in oneself (961020) Meditation is for you... to go deep down into yourself... to achieve all that your Sahastrara wants to give you. To achieve that height of detachment, of understanding, is only possible through meditation. What happens in meditation is that your awareness crosses over Agnya... goes above, and is now stationed in Sahastrara, in thoughtless awareness. Then the Reality of Sahastrara, the beauty of Sahastrara starts pouring in your own character, your own temperament. Unless and until you meditate - not meditate just to get well, or just to feel that you must meditate - but... meditation is important for all of you, that you develop your Sahastrara in such a manner that you imbibe the beauty of your Sahastrara. If you don't use your Sahastrara in this way, after some time you will find Sahastrara will close down... you will have no vibrations, and you will have no understanding of yourself... so it's a very important thing to meditate (980510) Meditation is the only way you can enrich yourself with the beauty of Reality... there's no other way... to rise into the realm of Divinity (980510); You must have seen, when people get their Realisation when I am there, they come to the programs for a while, and then they drop out... the reason is that they have not meditated. So you have to promise me that you will meditate every night, every evening, maybe in the morning also... whenever it is possible, if you can go into meditative mood, you are in contact with this Divine Power. Then whatever is good for you, for your society, for your country... all is done by this Divine Power... you don't have to overpower the Divine Power, you don't have to order, you don't have to ask... just if you meditate, you are 'one' with this All Pervading Power. Unless and until your Sahastrara is open, all the blessings of the Divine Power cannot come to you... cannot! Maybe you might get some money, you might get some jobs, this and that, but your own development is only possible when you meditate, and your Sahastrara is fully open (980510) When you meditate you are in silence, you are in thoughtless awareness... then the growth of awareness takes place, and then it opens out... but, if you are 'thinking' - it is like a lake, and the lake is completely in a turmoil... then nothing can grow. But supposing it is silent, then lotuses can grow... anything can grow. In the same way, if your mind is agitated... and your growth is not yet fully expressing itself... then it is such a vicious circle... that... you are agitated... then your growth is hindered... again you are agitated... and then your growth is again hindered. So the best way is to take to meditation... when you do, this turmoil will settle down... and when it will settle down, your growth will take place (880921) Once you have got your Realisation... and once you have become 'one' with the Divine... then there is no question of your going down... unless and until you yourself want to go down. It's very remarkable how you get this... and after that you don’t lose it... of course, first you must grow... and for that you have to meditate... but this meditation, once you do it... the whole being itself gets so enlightened, and so beautiful, that you don’t want to change it... you want to be there and enjoy it for ever (000507) In meditation you can become thoughtless... for a short time - this short time should go on increasing, that you are without thought. ..." World Meditation Day