Kelly-ism of the Day ♡
11 videos • 106 views • by Nurture Your Soul Over the years many have said to me “ it almost feels like you speak in Dr. Seuss riddles, but the crazy thing is - THEY make sense to me!” Yes, it makes sense to the 3-year old ‘me’ as well so as inspired by a dear client today … as they come TO & through me, I will share them gleefully because THIS is MEANT to be FUN 🤩 Full FREE “Talking to the Dead” Playlist Series here: Our LATEST “BREATHE Series” here: Feeling ‘mid Series Angst’ … PAUSE & REFLECT Guided Reset Meditation: With nothing but unconditional love, Kelly 💓 Nurture Your Soul Feel free to subscribe to YouTube: Or follow Nurture Your Soul Facebook page: If you are interested in a 1:1 with Kelly, contact #nurtureyoursoul #neardeathexperience #nde #suicideawareness #quirky #breatheanddontresist #stayopen #333 #advaita #nonduality #selflove #innerhealing #traumahealing #ptsdhealing #subliminalhealing #psychic #medium #channel #love #lovewins #faithoverfear #flowoflife #trusttheprocess #truenature #boundlessaliveness #laughterheals #betruetoyourself #consciousness #aware #awareness #kellyisms