Having had a near death experience in February of 2008 -- my life was forever shifted and forever changed. During my near death experience, I was witness to many things and shared in many experiences that allowed me to return to my physical body with all of my senses awakened. I was told to return and share these experiences, and to help others be reminded to remember WHO they are from a soul level, and an Incarnate level. Many do not even know what the soul really is, and even more profoundly, they do not understand why they would choose to Incarnate into a physical body to experience life on earth. As a soul guide, I can assist and share perspective on many of these things from a clairvoyant perspective, as well as a Guide perspective.
See below for links to my website and facebook and feel free to email me with any messages. I am happy to do a video reply to ANY questions and maintain anonymity in doing so.
In love,