Somatic Symptom Disorder/Psychosomatic/Somatoform/Somatization) [Glasgow, Scotland]

21 videos • 2 views • by reflux Everything you need to know on the subject. Research into psychosomatic disorders, and everything related, which usually starts with OCD or hypochondria. If you want to do further research on your own, use PubMed online or type pubmed after every google search, and this will cut out any disinformation from wikipedia or random websites, and misinformation from social media. Remember there was a story in new york about multiple girls who had tics and started twitching after a toxic spill in their city? Alot of people claimed on social media that it was mass hysteria. It wasn't. People on social media are credulous, easily influenced, become an echo chamber, or its the bandwagon effect. Mass means majority. There was only 12 to 18 girls affected (out of 600 at school), which means that they were in a minority. So it wasn't mass hysteria, it was a type of somatic symptom disorder, a psychogenic illness caused by trauma. Most people refuse to acknowledge psychological or psychogenic causes, and most people can't accept a psychosomatic or somatic symptom disorder diagnosis. They go into denial and book multiple doctors until they get the results they want to hear, which is manipulative behaviour, and sounds like obsessive compulsive personality disorder (not to be confused with ocd). I highly recommend the audible books: John E Sarno - The Divided Mind, Suzanne O'Sullivan - Its All In Your Head, and Robert Sapolsky - Stress and Your Body.