Nazi 3rd Reich Empire: Death & Rebirth under Allies = We didn't forget but we didn't learn from it either except how to use it ourselves

183 videos • 42 views • by 131kimber History has repeated itself. They didn't learn from the Nazi mistakes and instead of actually stopping the atrocities.... they incorporated them into their own Governments & Military and through NATO with Allies - they GLOBALIZED them. Someone (or something = AI) SHOULD have and PROBABLY DID warn the perpetrators that trying to use War, Military Strategic Defense & Advancements or World Military Domination as an excuse for Crimes within Nations, Crimes Against Humanity globally, Terrorism within or beyond borders, including Treason against your own, doesn't work ref: Nazi Nuremberg Trials for Crimes Against Humanity. That applies to those Nations and Countries in NATO, their Allies, and Strategic Alliances as well as those considered "Adversaries". Who says so? The World. Supposively our Laws & Judicial Systems too. Playlist for comparison & analysis. Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo and CIA Black Sites around the world - are easily recognizable. Places where No Laws and No Rights is standard with inhumane torture, covert neural & biological warfare. Guilt or Innocence is irrelevant. People including children subjected to horror most could not imagine. There's a reason the CIA shredded the hard drives and the Military denied the behavior as a fluke instead of admitting it is a policy. Plus there's a 21st century version of covert "death camps" applied remotely to people in their very homes, within neighborhoods, disguised as a number of societal things - mostly passed off as "normal". Large numbers of Individuals, Families including their pets, animals & possessions Targeted with Military Neural, Biological weapons and more using Military DEWs, tactics and techniques executed by AI autonomous Full Spectrum DE weapon systems within the USA and around the world. It sure isn't about human experimentation, drills or training.