Time Capsules: Unearthing the Complexity of History
Have you ever thought about the connections between the Holocaust and how countries respond to ebola? Have you wondered what Marxism is about but could never get through one of his books? Are you fascinated with dictators, like Hitler and Mussolini? Why did the Russian Revolution happen? What was the Cold War, and why did it happen?
This is the YouTube channel for my history courses, but all viewers are welcome. I have created a series of short videos, or time capsules about European and Russian history to provide an introduction to some key events and people. We pack our videos with lots of images so you can see history as well as hear about it. My students will be hearing and seeing A LOT more about all these topics, and I hope general viewers will be inspired to visit the library and follow up on their interests. There is always more of the past we can unearth.
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