Hey guys JACluvsya here for Dynasty! I share this site with my siblings Tephny and Mitomi who do most of the favorite'ing of videos, playlist creation, and subscribing to channels. I upload most of the videos!
We are known mostly for our uploading of Sakura Con Seattle Cosplays. We always try to get optimal seating for the best shots, mostly filmed by Mitomi. I had the privilege of editing Koi Cosplay's last skit in Seattle in 2008 filmed by Mitomi and another friend. There's a few videos of funny stuff from our daily lives. We also have some of our original works (parodies) posted on here, a few to note "Legend of Zelda", "Matrix", and "Harry Potter". They are my babies! So please watch!
We like to cosplay and attend Sakura Con every year. Tephny and Mitomi are the sewers! We haven't had many new cosplays in the past few years, but we want to change that! We are also gamers on Steam and avid TF2 players (you can find us with our names in this post).