"sekret24boy" channel is discontinued. The videos will stay uploaded for viewing pleasure, but no further content videos will be uploaded from this point on.
A few videos have been removed and re-uploaded to the secondary channel "NJPwN". These videos are:
Ultimate Naruto Fanflash
Ultimate Naruto Fanflash 2
MapleStory Bloops
Naruto ANBU Spare Time
Please feel free to find and watch these videos on the "NJPwN" channel. They will remain uploaded there.
Although there will be no more content videos on this channel, there will be one more update video coming later this year.
I have been working hard to re-brand and prepare content for an all-new channel. All content on this new channel will be original in artwork, animation, and music.
The announcement for this new channel will happen sometime in summer 2015. I know it's been years, but stay tuned for a little while longer!