Regina is a Brazilian-Italian full-time yoga teacher, a committed yoga practitioner and a professional journalist. She became yoga teacher in 2003, after accomplishing a 200 hours teacher training course at the National Association of Integral Yoga/ANYI, in Rio de Janeiro, as well as in Sun Power Yoga in Leicester/London by Anne-Marie Newland/Sun Power Yoga Ltd in 2010. She was trained in integrative massage, levels I, II and III by Ma. Anand Aloka and also in Yogatherapy by ANYI-RJ, in 2004. In 2014 and in 2018 became qualified in Basic and in Advanced Traditional Thai Massage as well as in Ruesri Da Ton or The Ancient Hermit Thai Yoga by Loi Kroh Traditional Thai Massage & Yoga School, Chiang Mai, Thailand. In November 2019 became qualified by Petra Coveney in Menopausa Yoga in London.
She is a member of the British Wheel of Yoga and is a secretary in Recife, Brazil, of the International Federation of Yoga. Practices Yoga since 1988. She also plays recorders and flute.