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in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c

Posted 11 months ago

Your monthly update here this time featuring Alpha: Crimson Weave (CW).

CW is going to be the next gen 2 DPS and so you will start seeing a massive power spike difference between the already existing lightning characters and her.
She does everything better and is the first character where you have absolute control of your dmg scaling, as her main source of dmg can be optimized to suit whatever type of kills you need.

Most important part of her kit is the dodge button, the least you have to hold it the more dmg you will be able to output. It's not all about holding her dodge, even if you can do it doesn't mean it's fully optimal.

- 4 Diesel / 2 Cottie
- 4 Diesel / 2 Fred
Cottie is main set in almost all content, the quality of life improvements aren't very noticeable now but once 21 releases this build will be even more important.
- Resonances for SS3 and lower are Top (Basic) and Bot (Attack), Top (Basic) and Bot (Ult) is also ok for warzone.
- Resonances for SSS and higher are always Top (Basic) and Bot (Ult) or Top (Attack) and Bot (Ult) for PPC.

Fred is more of a exclusive set. In WZ, SSS CW and above will never really see use of this set since dmg is not a concern anymore. SS3 and lower in certain rotations might find using Fred better than Cottie because of the combo sequence you're following, not a huge dmg increase as it sacrifices stacks for more Ult dmg.
In PPC, CW at SSS and above can perform ult only kills.
- Resonances for SS3 and lower are Top (Basic) and Bot (Attack), Top (Basic) and Bot (Ult) is also ok for warzone.
- Resonances for SSS and higher are Top (Attack) and Bot (Ult) for PPC exclusively.

If you find yourself optimizing Fred too hard keep in mind it's a solo set and Cottie will be main, not a huge loss.

- One of the strongest signatures in the game as it provides exactly what CW needs, more stacks. This comes in 2 forms, the direct 40% increase in stacked gained by the weapon passive itself and Dead Line Timing. More orbs means less time spent holding dodge, also opening more window opportunities for sword waving thus increasing both DPS by a huge margin and average stack mean.
- Resonances are Dead Line Timing, Glorious Afterglow and Incandescence (This order of priority).
- Resonances for SSS and above in PPC is Dead Line Timing, Glorious Afterglow and Matrix Lightning, taking out Dead Line Timing for Incan is also fine.

- A good signature pet, boosts her dmg by a substantial amount as the current lightning pets don't scale the same as newer signature pet passives.
- The lower your CW rank (SS3 and below) the bigger the dmg boost provided by the exclusive pet boost, the higher your CW the lower benefit you get from the pet as it only boosts the slam attack on diminishing returns based on average stacks per rotation. Very solid pet regardless.

If you're looking forward to which ones is better then always choose weapon over pet.
Don't think there's much to say for this one since the previous 2 sections already explained the importance of the weapon.

If you're f2p pulling weapons is not ideal so rethink your decisions before doing so.

- All of her mechanics are centered around dodge holding, this unlocks the slam attack and also gives you a huge energy supply to instantly go into Ult. Since currently we will be soloing with CW the rotations are a bit streamlined to always be the same.
Regardless, I think some of the rotational differences are hard to properly explain so I'll make a vid during FS release talking a bit more in depth.

There's also attached a general skill distribution graph as always. (SOLO CW)
- Values are based on true damage by rotation.
- No enemy reduction values are considered because there are no shred values to be treated.
- Distrib factors 4 Diesel 2 Cottie.
- No resonances taken into account, varied by rank.
- Ult 2 does good dmg at SSS and above. Not fully on display in the graph, it's significant enough to change resonances from (Basic, Attack) to (Basic, Ult) / (Attack, Ult) (Relative to gamemode).

- Uses the most generalistic combo rotation upon first swap in. Please remember that CW is prone to extend the combo rotation to more than 1, creating relative values.
- Blue orb start on initial sequence tends to be cancelled as it is just a tool to instantly go into ultimate.
- Yellow orbs and red orbs also have basic follow up, not factored in as it's a waste of time and it's never ever used. Graph uses red for speed, also the most frequently used.
- Leap and Slam are both basic attacks, if you use the pet skill 2, leap is more than often not really accounted as it transforms the attack completely.

*If you have noticed that there is a slight difference in distribution for ult2 is because there is.
I apologize if it got somebody confused based on the graph I posted in discord a few weeks ago, that one would be with pet.
This is final and the revised version

18 - 5

Posted 1 year ago

Since some of you have asked me about Kaleido here we go... (Gonna be a long post)

Kaleido is gonna be the next ice unit and 3rd amplifier added into the game.
She is incredibly strong for a free unit so I highly advise you go through dorms every day to collect currency and redeem the shards, it's not a hard task to do unlike Capriccio.

- 4 Irene / 2 Darwin
- 4 Irene / 2 Cottie
You'll see both used quite frequently as it depends on how fast you want to kill or how much dmg you want to deal.
Resonances are Top (Attack) and Bot (Core) for both sets. Most of her dmg is core and she will be main ice carry.
- 4 Davinci / 2 Guinevere
- 2 / 2 /2
Both these sets are more specific to PPC mostly for supporting other elements or very early kills with Bambinata.
Resonances are Top (Doesn't matter) and Bot (Class).

- Kuro has now decided that half of the core passive elemental bonus is shared between the weapon instead of the memory or ranks (Capriccio, Empyrea). It's a good acquisition if you can afford, specially for the future.
- Resonances are Glorious Spear, Deadline Timing, Superconducting Axial Ray. There's no real priority, it mostly depends on the situation.

- One of the best signature pets in the game as it provides really good dmg for Kaleido.
- Preferably SS rank, but S rank is already really good.
- No need to pull multiple copies unless you're a WZ perfectionist as Plume doesn't really have a proper pet.

There might be a situation where certain players might encounter themselves only being able to pull 1 of the 2.
Underneath you can see a graph of all 3 situations, having both, only having pet and only having weapon.
Pet is way stronger cost to dmg efficiency wise, however if you're looking into the future I highly advise pulling weapon instead as it will do more than just giving dmg.
With harmonization having a 6 star weapon allows you to use 8 memories instead of 6, and by QU: SHUKRA she will be relegated to a support, so her dmg on field will not be as relevant anymore.

- If you're SS or below try using both mixed colors and same colors before triggering Ult1.
- If you're SS3 or above try always doing mixed colors. Due to how the animation plays, same color might scatter all enemies around the place, specially the combination of both red and same color.
- To solve the previous nuance pet is important, make sure to use skill 1 as core happens.
- (BUG) While inside of ult1, during the orb spam, if you press a triple and ult2 at the same time the game will count the triple into both core and ult2 dmg increase. This is huge as you get a substantial dmg increase and a free triple.

There's also attached a general skill distribution graph as always.
- Values are based on true damage by rotation.
- No enemy reduction values are considered because there are no shred values to be treated.
- Kaleido below SS will have some energy struggle, dmg is being treated with COTTIE instead of DARWIN at S rank.
- She doesn't have significant animation cancels to take into account so all damage is treated at its max dmg.
- Purposely using red orb on all as it is the highest damaging orb.
- Graph considers 1 rotation.
- Above and at SS Kaleido can utilize COTTIE to do multiple rotations which creates relative values.

17 - 2

Posted 1 year ago


==For clarification purposes==
The misconception of the future fire tank Epitaph completely replacing Hyperlee in the future and making him not worth to pull is not true.
Remember that there are 2 competitive game modes(Warzone and PPC) and there's also the usual rank variance that people don't account for.
- Epitaph only becomes main DPS in PPC at SS3 and above, and anything under SSS many times has to be paired with Hyperlee in order to compensate for the loss in DPS downtime.
- In Warzone the only thing Epitaph does to the team is become a better Mechanami replacement, he replaces Mechanami not Hyperlee. If you're asking how good is Epitaph compared to Mechanami, he is as good as if you tried to compare Empyrea and sophia, just insane.
Contribution of both is equally as important, not having Hyperlee even makes switching to Empyrea awkward.
- This also applies to the new Empyrea leap. Unless you have a SSS+ Empyrea she is not going to do more damage than your SS Hyperlee. (Slight update on this matter, Empyrea leap will do more dmg than your hyperlee, although, she still carries davinci on the team, there's a chance that davinci might be moved to hyperlee instead in the future for lower ranked Hyperlees).

==With this this being said==
- Weapon is not a requirement but insanely good to have, guarantees second ulting every rotation.
- Pet is less priority, but still good to have if you can afford.
- If you're just playing casually S rank is good enough but preferably try for SS with PPC.
- For the meta chasers SS3 highly recommended, you transition from cottie to darwin and into shakespeare(after Qu: Shukra patch) in the future, huge DPS increase, which also helps shred for the others in the team.
- If you can afford to whale a bit more, SSS and SSS3 are really good rank upgrades.
- Anything above is not necessary unless you want to go for SSS+, whale territory.

Remember that this is a game afterall and you can play however you like, this post is meant for the people that actively look to score better and achieve higher in the competitive scene.

Underneath I attacked the usual graph that I make for rank comparisons, there is no Ember nor Palefire because their dmg is only 1/10th of Hyperlees even in the absolute best case scenario.

55 - 18

Posted 1 year ago

I'm dying... help me...

13 - 2

Posted 1 year ago

The dark tank comparison guide that you've been waiting for, live in 6:30h from now on.

Scire vs Tenebrion vs 21

25 - 2

Posted 1 year ago

Small channel update.

I'm reaching a breaking point irl where I feel really sick and tired and I just cannot keep up with my busy schedule until I finish a lot of irl business.
I told myself to keep going even tho I already knew this was gonna happen eventually so I'm sorry that it's so sudden.

For the ones that are expecting a Mechanami comparison I can only say.
Mechanami >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pulse.

For the ones that are expecting Daren vs Terb comparison video I'll try and hope to provide before patch hits live in global.

Channel content stopping/slowing down doesn't mean I won't be in discord, if you have any questions I'll be glad to help as always.

Again, I'm very sorry.

16 - 3

Posted 1 year ago

Capriccio vs Rozen video is out.
I hope this answers all your questions, if not can always message me for more.

1 - 0

Posted 2 years ago

When you survive EUs most brutal bracket.

5 - 1

Posted 2 years ago

Not going to be posting any PGR vids until after the 22nd due to exams.

I usually focus on gameplay, mechanics and comparisons that I get asked about or I think are really relevant. But I was wondering, does anybody want to see a warzone guide? Something I've tried to avoid because of how volatile it can become depending on investment, but I'll try my best to provide something accurate if it's a yes.

4 - 1