🔮Welcome to the Delphi Oracle Healing Tarot🪄 channel! I read the cards for you intuitively, energetically, and traditionally...always on the DOhT!
😇 Intuitively guided empath with all the 'claires' high priestess empress energy.
I am working with the divine Source⚛️ along with my 'g'team: the ancestors, my angels, the goddesses whose energies I embody, and my ascended masters.
As a manifest enthusiast I teach manifesting yOur intentions into yOur 3d, physical reality with Clarity!💜🦋
These readings are General Collective, and may not resonate with everyone.
Take what resonates and leave the rest.😊
**Legal disclaimer** all readings are General and are for entertainment purposes only, however should something resonate, Always use your own 🧐 discernment all readings information given or questions answered should not be regarded as legal, medical, relationship, psychological, or psychiatric facts or advice and are subject to your own judgment and interpretation.