in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
Hey y'all! I am doing a lot better in recovery, so I am now officially back from hiatus and audios are being posted every couple of days again! Thank you so much for your understanding, support, and patience. ❤️
90 - 1
Hey y'all! This post comes two days late, but this channel has officially existed for 5 years! That's absolutely insane to think about.
I want to apologize for being so inactive for the past few months. Unfortunately, over the summer, my mental health worsened greatly, and I developed an eating disorder and depression. I lost a lot of motivation to do anything, including the things I love.
I'm currently in the process of getting treatment, and I'm trying my best to return to my hobbies and interests!
Therefore, I will try my best to start making edit audios for y'all again very soon, because I do truly love making them, and I love this channel.
As always, I hope y'all stay safe, happy, and healthy ❤️
94 - 4
Bringing back this playlist! Here is where you can find the songs I'm planning on editing. 😊
24 - 4
After the poll results: I'm going back to my old video style! Frankly, it's much easier to make too, so I don't mind at all 😊 Hope y'all's July is going well, mine is honestly going great so far!!!!
Love you guys, stay healthy, happy, and safe 💕
89 - 1
Hey yall! Quick poll question: which video style do you prefer? My old style of just the text on screen, or the newer one with the picture and effects? (Examples below)
121 - 5
Hello, I know I haven't been actually active on this channel in the past year (due to school and focusing on editing/art on other social media platforms), but since I am planning to be active again, I am making this post.
The genocide currently taking place in Palestine is horrific. Every day, I am sick to my stomach from the death and devastation I witness. This must end. There is no excuse nor explanation you can give to justify genocide. Therefore, I implore my subscribers to take it upon themselves to help in any way you can, whether it be partaking in boycotts, protests, donations, or sharing and spreading helpful information in support of the people of Palestine. 🇵🇸
Here are some links where you can provide your support (most of these I have found from Twitter and Instagram):
A website where you click a button once a day (for free) to provide support.
A fundraiser for an organization that provides direct support to the people of Gaza.
A website with very helpful links to find protests, petitions, and more.
Additionally, the post in the photo below (from Jewish Voice for Peace on Instagram) is a great list of actions you can take to support Palestine.
(I may edit this post later to provide more information/links.)
135 - 1
Hey y'all, it's been a while! I'm starting my second semester of college next week, and my (tentative) plan is to start making audios over the weekend and scheduling them out through the week for y'all.
Since I haven't been active lately, feel free to comment some suggestions for songs! I'll do the ones that I'm interested in/enjoy.
As always, love y'all and I hope you are safe, healthy, and happy! ❤️ Happy 2024!!!
117 - 4
Happy anniversary to me!
As of today, it's been four years since I first started this channel! Absolutely insane.
I'm sorry for being so inactive recently, college has been kicking my ass lately so I haven't had a whole lot of motivation to make audios. I'm so grateful for all y'all who watch my channel and have supported me throughout the years, and I hope to get some more audios posted this winter!
I love y'all and I hope you're doing well and staying safe. ❤️
137 - 5
Hey y'all! I'm three weeks into college, so I've been super busy lately.
I hope to start posting again soon, I love y'all and hope you're having a great start to September ❤️
150 - 4
➡️ Unless I specifically ask for them, I don't take any requests or suggestions, so please don't comment them! I also do not participate in collabs. ⬅️
They/she pronouns. I make edit audios! No songs are mine and I do not claim them as mine, I just make edits of them! All rights go to their respective owners.
English is currently my only language! I can understand a small amount of Spanish, but my speaking/writing skills aren't great.
⚠️ What to do if you find a stolen audio ⚠️: Unfortunately, reposts/stolen audios happen frequently. If you think one of my audios has been stolen, please provide the link/channel name in a comment on my most recent video so that I see it! Please do NOT harass the channel, I always try to address these issues politely.
This is a safe space for all!!! 🏳️🌈