Growing up, I quit the piano 4 times, quit the guitar 2 times, and also quit the drums and violin. Music was more like forced labor than anything else. "Fun" was the last word that came to mind.
All of this changed for me when I attended a musical performance put on by two ukulele players and their sidekick bass player. Their music was simple, but these guys had FUN!
It left such an impression on me that I went home that night and ordered my first ukulele. I discovered that learning ukulele chords was very easy, allowing me to quickly play the songs that I WANTED to play (as opposed to the piano songs that I was TOLD to play). I was actually having fun with music!
After years of enjoying the simplicity of the ukulele, I decided to share my joy with others by creating Four Chord Simple, a YouTube Channel that makes instruments easy (and therefore fun) by teaching you how to play 100+ popular songs using just 4 simple chords. Enjoy: :)