in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
46th Community Post:
(22nd poll of this channel)
As the year 2024 ends, there's so much happenings around us - both positive and negative since the 1st of January.
Based on your own feelings, experiences and whatever else to mention here, how do you rate yourself for the year 2024?
Date posted: December 30, 2024 (11:30 AM - Dubai/Oman time)
4 - 0
45th Community Post:
Just to share this winter holiday from my own previous video, almost 1 year of "semi-masterpiece" (since December 30, 2023).
Happy Holidays! ❄️☃️🎄🔔🌟
#merrychristmas #christmas2024 #sayonarasilentnight #silentnight #ryugagotokugaiden #yakuzagamechristmas #likeadragongaiden #aicover #mireiasaoka #朝岡実嶺 #mireiasaokaaiversion
Date posted: December 24, 2024 (12:10 PM - Dubai/Oman time)
2 - 0
44th Community Post:
Double special treats for the end of 2024, and through the fresh start of 2025.
Happy Holidays! ❄️☃️🎄🔔🌟
1st -…
2nd -
#lethalenforcers #konami #lethalenforcers2 #lethalenforcersii #lethalenforcersarcade #konami1992 #konami1994 #リーサルエンフォーサーズ #リーサルエンフォーサーズ2
Date posted: December 19, 2024 (12:00 PM - Dubai/Oman time)
3 - 0
43rd Community Post:
❗ ❗ ❗ [BREAKING NEWS] ❗ ❗ ❗
From November 4 (2024), up until this very moment (November 13 / 14 - depending on your current timezone), I had no such problems or issues after this "supposedly-soon-to-be viral" masterpiece had been uploaded here on YouTube. However, as per Film-est TV's request (to avoid a copyright strike on this channel) that I contacted them via email respectfully, it is regrettable to announce that the 1 hour extended video of Tomochika's Suspense Theatre - has been removed by me (without the strike applied yet, since they had given me 7 days to "think about it" importantly starting today). In other words, this will be considered as "lost-in-time".
On the other side, especially in the Home page, this will be changed to Battlefield 2 Gun Sounds Music (1 Hour Extended) video - as the newest one available.
Sincere apologies for this happening, but nevertheless - I shall continue my own journey.
P.S.: Please do not reupload that aforementioned video, by any chances here on YouTube (especially). If you do or atleast try, they (Film-est TV) will convince to remove it due to "unauthorized alteration of their work". Always contact via email them first before anything else.
Thank you very much.
この「すぐに流行ると思われる」傑作が YouTube にアップロードされてから、11 月 4 日 (2024 年) からこの瞬間 (11 月 13 日または 14 日 - 現在のタイムゾーンによって異なります) まで、私はそのような問題やトラブルに遭遇しませんでした。しかし、フィルムエストTVの要請 (このチャンネルの著作権侵害を回避するため) に従い、メールで丁重に連絡したところ、残念ながら、友近サスペンス劇場の 1 時間延長ビデオが削除されました (侵害はまだ適用されていません。重要なことに、今日から7日間「考える」時間が与えられていたためです)。 言い換えれば、これは「時間内に失われた」ものと見なされます。
一方、特にホームページでは、これは最新のものとして、「Battlefield 2」のガンサウンドミュージック (1時間延長) ビデオに変更されます。
追伸: 前述のビデオをYouTube (特に) に再アップロードしないでくださいよね。 再アップロードしたり、試みたりすると、フィルムエストTVは「作品の無許可の変更」を理由に、誰でも削除するように説得します。 何よりもまず、必ずメールで連絡してくださいね。
Date posted: November 14, 2024 (12:15 AM - Dubai/Oman time)
2 - 0
42nd Community Post:
It's time... for a comeback again (last gameplay was Sept 21, 2020)!
By the way, in case you didn't watched my 2 videos related to that post yet, then here they are:
1. (Steve Austin and The Rock)
2. (Brothers of Destruction - Undertaker and Kane)
#wwfroyalrumble #sega #seganaomi #royalrumble2000 #worldwrestlingfederation #worldwrestlingentertainment #wwf #wwe #demul
Date posted: September 30, 2024 (11:30 PM - Dubai/Oman time)
4 - 0
41st Community Post:
(21st poll of this channel. Also, did you notice any "Easter Egg" in this post? Please let me know, thanks!)
[This is a follow-up from the previous 20th poll - August 24, 2024]
Among these 3 popular tracks of the original Daytona USA, which of these 3 do you prefer the most, or let's say - your "favorite"?
Date posted: September 12, 2024 (12:00 AM - Dubai/Oman time)
11 - 2
40th Community Post:
(20th poll of this channel)
Have you ever heard (and played) the original Daytona USA (arcade) in your lifetime, whether be the limited 1993 (single player only) or the very common 1994 (with multi-link support up to 8 players) version?
Date posted: August 24, 2024 (12:00 AM - Dubai/Oman time)
6 - 0
39th Community Post:
(19th poll of this channel)
[This is a follow-up from the previous 16th poll - July 14, 2024]
For those who answered "Yes": What kind of pet do you have? If you have more than 1 kind (and/or not specified in the given choices), then you may select "Other(s)", in order to not get confused.
Date posted: July 31, 2024 (12:00 AM - Dubai/Oman time)
10 - 0
38th Community Post:
(18th poll of this channel)
Do you currently have pet/s at home (whether be dogs, cats, birds, etc.)?
Date posted: July 14, 2024 (12:00 AM - Dubai/Oman time)
8 - 3
37th Community Post:
(17th poll of this channel)
[This is a follow-up from the previous 16th poll - June 16, 2024]
For those who answered "Yes": How many countries have you visited so far, based from your own experiences lifetime?
Date posted: June 25, 2024 (12:00 AM - Dubai/Oman time)
6 - 0
I make videos here on YouTube for entertainment, categorized "memetic comedy" and much of its "bizarre" content.
Enjoy YouTubing and never say die!
(Update: September 5, 2023 rev - 3:16 PM, Oman time)
Revised into Linktree URL for a "one-stop-shop" experience with much convenience.
Here are the specs. of my PC: [Permanent - as of June (Unknown exact date of purchase) 2018]
TYPE: Gaming (All-In-One) Laptop
CPU: Intel Core i7-7700HQ @2.8GHz (Can overclock up to 3.8GHz)
GPU: Intel HD Graphics 630 + NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti
RAM: 16 GB DDR4 (2x 8 GB RAM installed)
OS: Windows 10 Home 64-Bit
HDD: 917 GB HDD + 237 GB SSD Installed (Samsung and ST) + Partition Disk creation supported (Up to 3 I think)
Sound: Realtek HD Audio Driver