LIXIL Corporation("LIXIL" ,驪住集團)是日本最大的幕牆、建築和住宅窗框、及建築和住宅材料的制造商。LIXIL是日本上市公司,東證證券代碼為 5938。
LIXIL香港辦事處("LIXIL HK")前身為 「東洋鋁建」,成立於 1986 年 9 月,專業從事幕牆系統的設計、供應及安裝。我們的專業產品和服務包括單元式幕牆、半單元式幕牆、鋁包層和外牆維護等。
LIXIL Corporation (“LIXIL”) is the largest manufacturer of curtain walls, building and housing sashes, building and housing materials in Japan. LIXIL is a public-listed company in Japan with TSE Securities Code 5938.
LIXIL Hong Kong Office (“LIXIL HK”), formerly known as "Tostem Hong Kong", was established since September 1986 with expertise in design, supply and installation of façade system. We are professional in products and services such as unitized curtain wall, semi-unitized curtain wall, aluminium cladding and façade maintenance.
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