Vampire Rock, Psychedelic Synthrock, Noise-Pop, Brusselsindie …? Anyone who ever tried to pigeonhole «JOY AS A TOY» was soon to realise that it’s neither easy nor desirable to do so. Ever since their acclaimed debut «Valparaiso» (2010), the Belgian band around Mark Lanegan-drummer JP de Gheest, Kings of Belgium – bassplayer and singer Gil Mortio, guitarist and singer Clement Nourry and synthspecialist Alice Perret, is out and about far too agile, freaky, cheeky and self-evident to even care. Best just follow their musical antics unconditionally and you’ll be a happy listener for sure.
On «Dead as a Dodo» (2012) the band took up the B-Movie aesthetics of Italian horrormovies, and mixed it with good doses of trash-pop, guilty pleasure and noise-hysteria. On their new album «Mourning mountains» (09/2016) «JOY AS A TOY» still stay off the beaten Pop- and Rock-tracks.