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SCRIPTURE AND PRAYER #prayfirst #bibleverses #1Thessalonians3:13 #Praiseonit #tashacobbsleonard #God SCRIPTURE AND PRAYER #prayfirst #bibleverses #Psalm100 #againisayrejoice #israelandnewbreed #LordGod SCRIPTURE AND PRAYER #prayfirst #Colossians4:5-6 #OneName #naomiraine #LordGod #love #trustingod SCRIPTURE AND PRAYER #prayfirst #bibleverses #Isaiah40:29-31 #WaitonYou #maverick #elevationworship SCRIPTURE AND PRAYER #prayfirst #bibleverses #Psalm20:1-5 #YouareGood #israelandnewbreed #LordGod SCRIPTURE OF THE DAY #prayfirst #bibleverses #Colossians3:15-17 #TheAnthem #todddulaney #love #Jesus SCRIPTURE AND PRAYER #prayfirst #bibleverses #Colossians3:12-14 #oceansinstrument #marcelo #LordGod SCRIPTURE AND PRAYER #prayfirst #bibleverses #Psalm103:1-5 #TrustinGod #elevationworship #chrisbrown SCRIPTURE AND PRAYER #prayfirst #bibleverses #Psalm31:24 #FirmFoundation #maverick #chandler #bobbi SCRIPTURE AND PRAYER #prayfirst #bibleverses #Exodus15:26 #Hewontfail #toddgalberth #LordGod #love SCRIPTURE PRAYER 🙏 #prayfirst #Colossians1:9-14 #IneedYouLord #dappytkeys #LordGod #love SCRIPTURE PRAYER 🙏 #prayfirst #bibleverses #Psalm20 #YourPower #lecrae #tashacobbsleonard #LordGod SCRIPTURE AND PRAYER #prayfirst #scripture #Psalm121:1-2 #noweapon #fredhammond #LordGod #love TODAYS SCRIPTURE #prayfirst #bibleverses #Proverbs4:23-27 #FirmFoundation #maverick #chandler #Jesus SCRIPTURE OF TODAY #prayfirst #bibleverses #Psalm25:1-6 #Joyiscoming #toddgalberth #travis LordGod SCRIPTURE AND PRAYER #prayfirst #bibleverses #Psalm27:13-14 #thatsmyKing #cecewinan #LordGod #love SCRIPTURE OF THE DAY #prayfirst #bibleverses #Psalm28:6-9 #gratitude #worshipinitiative #LordGod SCRIPTURE PRAYER #prayfirst #scripture #3John2 #HolyForever #worshipinstrumental #LordGodAlmighty SCRIPTURE OF THE DAY #prayfirst #bibleverses #Numbers6:24-26 #YourPower #lecrae #tashacobbsleonard GOODNIGHT SCRIPTURE AND PRAYER #prayfirst #bibleverses #3John2 #IhaveaFather #chandlermoore #LordGod SCRIPTURE OF THE DAY #prayfirst #scripture #1Peter5:7 #Formygood #toddgalberth #maverick #LordGod SCRIPTURE THIS WEEK #prayfirst #scripture #Philippians2:1-4 #Youaregood #israelandnewbreed #LordGod SCRIPTURE TODAY #prayfirst #bibleverses #Philippians2:5-11 #Holyforever #worshipinstrumental #Jesus SCRIPTURE OF WEEKEND #prayfirst #bibleverses #Psalm32 #Waymaker #maranatha #LordGod #love SCRIPTURE TODAY #prayfirst #bibleverses #John8:12 #whatineeded #chandlermoore #LordGod #love #Jesus SCRIPTURE TODAY #prayfirst #bibleverses #Isaiah53:5 #Godsgotme #anthonybrown #grouptherapy #LordGod SCRIPTURE TODAY #prayfirst #bibleverses #Philippians2:3-4 #WhataBeautifulNameItIs #Hillsong #Brooke SCRIPTURE AND PRAYER #prayfirst #bibleverses #Ephesians4:32-5:1 #Godisincontrol #DOE #LordGod #love SCRIPTURE OF THE DAY #prayfirst #bibleverses #Ephesians4:1-8 #WayMaker #instrumental #LordGod #love SCRIPTURE OF THE DAY #prayfirst #bibleverse #Ephesians5:15-20 #WayMaker #maranatha #LordGod #love SCRIPTURE AND PRAYER #prayfirst #bibleverses #Psalm55:22 #IhaveaFather #chandlermoore #LordGod #love SCRIPTURE OF THE DAY #prayfirst #bibleverse #Ephesians4:1-8 #Yeshua #Herikant #LordGod #love #peace SCRIPTURE AND PRAYER #prayfirst #bibleverse #Psalm91:2-4 #Awesome #charlesjenkins #Fellowshipchicago SCRIPTURE PRAYER #prayfirst #bibleverse #Ephesians3:14-21 #warworship #propheticworship #LordGod SCRIPTURE AND PRAYER #prayfirst #scripture #Psalm16:8 #InJesusName #israelandnewbreed #LordGod #love SCRIPTURE AND PRAYER #prayfirst #bibleverses #Isaiah53:4-5 #Omemma #chandlermoore #LordGod #love SCRIPTURE AND PRAYER #prayfirst #scripture #Psalm22:22 #VictorybelongstoJesus #todddulaney #LordGod SCRIPTURE PRAYER #prayfirst #bibleverses #Psalm23:4-6 #gratitude #worshipinitiative LordGod #love SCRIPTURE AND PRAYER #prayfirst #bibleverses #2thessalonians3:16 #Jesusneverfails #Lakewoodmusic SCRIPTURE PRAYER #prayfirst #bibleverses #Philippians1:9-11 #Warfare #propheticworship #LordGod SCRIPTURE AND PRAYER #prayfirst #bibleverses #Isaiah41:10 #Overflow #tashacobbsleonard #LordGod SCRIPTURE AND PRAYER #prayfirst #prayalways #scripture #Mark9:23-24 #IhaveaFather #chandler #LordGod SCRIPTURE AND PRAYER #prayfirst #scripture #Ephesians4:2-3 #LordYouaregood #toddgalberth #LordGod SCRIPTURE AND PRAYER #prayfirst #scripture #isaiah41:10 #GreatName #todddulaney #LordGod #love SCRIPTURE AND PRAYER #prayfirst #prayalways #scripture #Psalm30:5 #InJesusName #israelandnewbreed SCRIPTURE AND PRAYER #prayfirst #scripture #Isaiah41:10 #YourGreatName #todddulaney #LordGod #love SCRIPTURE AND PRAYER #prayfirst #scripture #Psalm27:4-5 #IhaveaFather #ChandlerMoore #Jesus #Father SCRIPTURE AND PRAYER #prayfirst #scripture #Romans10:8-9 #SpeakTheName #koryn #natalie #LordGod