“Bubble” Project was created in 2004 by Karen Bagdasarov & Guy Sarnat., as a consequence of their huge passion for electronic music and their rich musical knowledge.Karen, skilled since early childhood as saxophonist & jazz musician, and later educated at the “Academy of Music and Arts”, Jerusalem, and Guy, specialized in electronic music production and the art of sound engineering at the “Muzik School”, Tel Aviv, combined their expertise to create a unique style of electronic music composition with an energetic and powerful live performance of their music.
Within their three Albums, “Airless” (2005), “Sound of Silence” (2006) & “Coldsun” (2011), plus their 3 Eps, “Keep moving Forward” (2012), “Drive” (2013) and “Bootleg” (2015), they have achieved what they were
for any information about concerts check out our Facebook page Facebook.com/bubblemusix
for fresh music from the studio subscribe to our youtube page youtube.com/bubblexmusic