Hi there! I'm Miss Chow, and I love learning about cool things like Feng Shui, astrology, and personality types. I'm not a master yet, but I call myself a "graduate student" because I'm always learning new things!
I started my journey when I had my first heartbreak in 1996. 😭 I wanted to understand myself and others better, so I studied Feng Shui and personality types. Then, in 2017, after another heartbreak, I decided to learn even more! I studied astrology, Feng Shui, name analysis, and universal energy.
I've learned a lot from my teachers, not just about these subjects, but also about how to be happy and true to myself. Everyone has their own unique purpose in life, and when we live according to our values, we feel fulfilled and abundant.
I want to share what I've learned in a simple way to help inspire you and make your life better. If you have any questions, feel free to ask! I'm here to help.