This channel is dedicated to the Clinical teaching in General Surgery
Regular classes on all Fridays are conducted for the benefit of Post Graduates who are in training and taking up examinations.
National faculty and residents across various medical colleges and institutions take part in the deliberations.
The Scientific Committee spearheads the activities:
Prof Ajay Khanna - IMS - BHU - Varanasi
Prof Hitesh Andharia Sureshbhai – NHL MC - Ahmedabad
Prof Johnrose Austin Jayalal - TVMC - Kanyakumari
Prof Kalya Rajgopal Shenoy – Kasturbha MC - Manipal
Prof Probal Neogi – Motilal Nehru MC - Prayagraj
Prof Rajiv Nandan Sahai – NDMC MC New Delhi
Prof T Srinivasan – CMC - Coimbatore
Prof K Vivekananda Subramanianathan - Ch MC - Chennai
Dr M Kanagavel - Gastropro - St Isabels - Chennai