Swami Avatar Puriji is an extraordinary spiritual personality, endowed with great talents, extensive intellectual and spiritual education, profound knowledge and wisdom. His social, friendly and open nature attracts people from all walks of life. His talks, lectures and satsangs which he embellishes with vivid wisdom stories are lively and appealing to young and old alike.
Swami Avatar Puriji was adopted at a very young age by Vishwaguru Mahamandaleshwar Paramhans Swami Maheshwaranand ji as his gyan putra (spiritual son) and has lived in Vishwaguruji's ashrams all his life. At the early age of three, Swami Avatar Puriji was initiated by Vishwaguruji as the youngest Swami of the divine Sri Alakhpuriji Siddha Peeth Parampara, descended from Lord Shiva.
In November 2021, Swami Avatar Puriji was inaugurated as a successor of the Sri Alakhpuriji Siddha Peeth Parampara by his Master and the Mahamandaleshwar and Acharyas of the Maha Nirvani Akhara in a solemn puja and coronation ceremony.