~~~~~~~~~~β₯~~~~~β₯~~~~~β₯~~~~~~~~~~~We are pure Light, pure βββ₯β, pure Divine consciousness.The Archangelic Emissaries of the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light and emit golden yellow rays of Divine Love and Light. We have come to this planet to offer our assistance at this time during your transitional phase from three dimensional Beings to multidimensional Master Beings of Love and Light, able to transcend time and space in its current earthly limitation as you move into the fifth dimension.At this time, Mother Earth is changing frequencies. She is sensing different vibrations and is starting to expand and move with these new energies. This is impacting on the natural elemental environment. Subsequently, a great universal and personal shift is needed. A shift in collective thought and collective consciousness. We are calling to you as we sense your energy, your ripeness in wanting to become your Higher Light, and to experience your Light Body. So, the journey has began and as you recall your multidimensional and multifaceted nature, remembrance needed to work on a planetary level, so your consciousness will expand and within this Light, you will become Master Beings of Light and Love. You will travel with us to different dimensions and collect various skills for your ascension journey into the fourth dimension. This is a most wonderful journey into the New Golden Age and we are pleased to be part of this evolutionary process as you become your Higher Self of the Light and your Christed Overself of the Light and assist in the planetary ascension of Mother Earth and her many people through the Photon Band and into the Golden Age of Aquarius. ~~~~~~~~β₯~~~~~β₯~~~~~β₯~~~~~~~~~ The doors of perceptiveness to other dimensions and enlightenment are wide open to those who listen attentively to the frequencies of revelations transmitted form alien, only 400 lightyears distant spores. Blaze is the lucid informative messenger, discloseing the universal truth, whose permanent concealment kept the gropers in a state of Tetanuslike sleep. Gnostic rebellion against the chaining powers of darkness is the remedy. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~β₯~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
ββ€ββ’.ΒΈΒΈ.β’ β₯βΌβ¬β¬11:11β¬β¬βΌβ₯β’.,,.β’ββ€β
Choose the path of HEAVEN on EARTH
A lot of people sleep.
If you feel awake,wake them up!!!
We all need each other...
We dont need to die to find paradise...
It is time the Powers of Light on Earth! Cosmic Bro