我是余家素的余爸爸 I am father of Yu’s family veggie
因各種經歷及健康問題, 使我戒除所有壞習慣, 更成為一個素食者
Because of having gone through various experiences and health problems, I gave up those bad habits and became a vegetarian.
Since I was a teenager, I have been working in different types of restaurants, being engaged in different departments
為了令女兒們能夠健康地成長, 同時亦喜愛素食,我十多年來不斷努力用心去研究和製作各式各樣的素食
In order to enable my daughters to grow up healthy and attract them to love vegetarian food, I have been working hard for more than ten years to research and cook a variety of different flavors of vegetarian food
現在三個女兒都逐漸長大了, 我希望能夠將各種余家素拍成影片保存下來
Now that my three daughters are all grown up, I hope to be able to save up all the various Yu’s family Veggie films
即使將來我不在她們身邊, 她們亦可跟著影片去做余家素食
Even if I would not be with them in the future, they can follow the film to cook
雖不是專業大廚的味道 Although it is not the same taste as from a professional chef
但這是爸爸用心的手作 This is cooked from a father’s love to the children