This channel was started in order to provide a much-needed record of some of the unnatural cloud material and aerosol operations that are being seen in Whangarei, Northland, New Zealand.
We first became aware that there was an ongoing chemtrail/aerosol operation(s) in Whangarei on January the 1st and 2nd, 2010. At the time there was a drought in Northland.
We continued to see chemtrails throughout the drought, which incidentally was the worst in decades, according to the Northland Regional Council.
Chemtrails are associated with scalar/HAARP weather modification technology. Thus, the questions have to be raised, was this drought induced and, if so, why? What is the agenda?
The first drought of 2010 in Northland ended in late-April. Then, most unusually, there was a second drought in Northland in late-2010. Please refer: Waikato joins Northland in double drought…
Chemtrails, unnatural-looking cloud material and wave formations, were evident during the period of these highly abnormal weather conditions.
The dry conditions are highly unusual for this area!
The presence of what appear to be gravity waves, (please see the photos at the link immediately below), indicate that weather modification technology may be being used to manipulate the weather. Refer:…
Also, I have photographed what appear to be grid patterns in cloud matter on a number of occasions in 2010, which suggest scalar technology may be being used. Check out Lt Col. Tom Bearden's work regarding scalar weaponry and look into award-winning weatherman, Scott Stevens' research at Weatherwars.Info.
Stevens estimates that HAARP technology is only responsible for about 20% of the weather manipulation efforts taking place.
Stevens refers to Tom Bearden's work and that of Trevor James Constable, who gave governments the playbook on how to manipulate the orgone or etheric energy back in the 1970's. He is particularly concerned about... orbiting military satellites that have directed energy technologies on them.
He believes that the kind of technology those in power have at their disposal to manipulate the weather is way beyond what we can imagine and probably includes the use of the orbs that are being seen in the sky around the world - often adjacent chemtrails.