"When I dare to be powerful - to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid." Audre Lorde
Everyone has a fascinating story. I like to hear them I like to tell them.
In my mind (heart) I paint scenes, choreograph ballets with my words. I'm a plant it's my photosynthesis, I'm a sun it's me shining, I'm a newborn just inching towards a beautiful boob...I'm just doing what I know how to do and investing my time in what I think is important. (I used to be deathly afraid that line would make me sound conceited...funny).
We are all Divine ...this is me having the audacity to let my light shine. I WANT YOURS TO TOO!
I "pray" for a divine-awareness revolution where everyone realizes that we are already on heaven and that life is truly ours to direct.