4gxns5ys The C.A.T. Diaries (Cosmic Attributes of Transformation) portrays life in Chiang Mai, Thailand, with my lovely Thai wife and five precious cats, and the spectacular tropical setting and wildlife so abundant here. It is my humble attempt to witness and reveal life’s abundant miracles, learn from the natural rhythms so exquisitely abundant here, and demonstrate specific practices for using these miracles and rhythms as a model for creating a loving and sustainable world, a world that honors the natural right of each aspect of Creation to fulfill its inherent, sacred purpose.
These videos provide specific knowledge and enlightened inspiration about ecological awareness, Big History (Great Story), earth wisdom, the wonders of creation, creation spirituality, as well the nature and amazing creatures of Thailand
Of course, being The Cat Diaries, it also provides practical guidance and useful instruction in cat care, cat massage, and cat well-being!