Welcome to keeponmovin my name is Gary in 2019 at age 24 (now 28) I had a severe stroke leaving my left side paralysed. Before this happened I had been playing guitar for six years learning such as Paganini yngwie malmsteen Jason Becker and Marty Friedman. So after I suffered my stroke loosing the ability to play guitar was the most devastating aspect of all. 3 years after my stroke my friends forced me to play guitar with one hand and after that I never stopped. I first played some random improv melody with 1 hand and within a week I was playing with 2 hands using my affected one like a capo and my non affected hand to tap the notes. within 2 weeks I had begun to relearn Paganini. And now I'm at point beyond what I thought possible. so as I get better I'll introduce lessons for everyone to benefit from please subscribe and share this on it could help a lot of people