Hello friends, My name is Nikita Sahu and I am Student of BPT.
I have created this channel for helping the student who are facing problems in understanding the biology and human anatomy & physiology.
All Videos about anatomy, physiology, and health sciences.
I am here to provide you an ample of medical study material.
On this channel I will provide you all the material concerning the medical students.
The topics will be explained easily in Hindi as well as in English.
Also I will be there to clear all your queries drop your comments in the comment box.
I'll be very happy to respond those quarries.
Please like, share and subscribe channel.
Note That :- Nothing I say should be used as medical advice or opinion. This is for Education and entertainment.
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#medicalstudent #medicalschool #medicalcollege #health #healthy #healthylifestyle #healthyfood #humanbodyfacts #biology