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Posted 3 weeks ago

My thoughts on Disventure Camp Season 4 Episode 6

Spencer: I felt so bad for Spencer because he was sad throughout the episode. He looked hurt/scared when Jade was mad at him for voting out Diego, then he told her that heā€™s still loyal to her and would prove it with any request. He wants to show Jade that heā€™s loyal because he also sees her as a friend and not just an ally. Then Jade goes looking for new allies because she doesnā€™t trust Spencer, so heā€™ll have no friends when the game is over. Iā€™m also surprised Jade thinks Spencer is untrustworthy, he seems loyal to her and the alliance, but just voted out Diego because he was a trigger for his relationship traumas (thatā€™s how I interpreted it at least). We later see Spencer following Jadeā€™s orders like a dog šŸ˜­, like he was RUNNING to switch sides with Jade. I wonder if Spencerā€™s willingness to show Jade that heā€™s loyal has anything to do with his past relationship. Then when Zaid was putting on his dragon wings, he looked so sad, like he wanted to cry. Zaid pointed out his sadness, causing him to get defensive and shift the attention towards Zaid. This is another instance of him not liking to show his vulnerable side. Ivy makes him more hurt by putting Spencer in the villain role because every love story needs one (Also note that I donā€™t think it was intentional on Ivy's part). I think he was hurt because people see him as the bad guy for voting out Diego, and he slightly believes it too. Near the end of the episode, Tristan says Spencerā€™s been angsty all day, and Jade says heā€™ll go talk to him. Weā€™ll probably see his and Jadeā€™s conversation in the beginning of the next episode. I feel like Spencer is going to be stargazing all sad or crying in the woods, and heā€™ll open up to Jade why he eliminated Diego. I think Spencerā€™s arc in the show is going to have him be more open to people, and that itā€™s okay to show his vulnerable side.

Hannah/Benji/Tristan/Jade Friendship: I love their friendship, I hope we see more of it. They also kinda parallel each other. Benji and Jade both have been outcasted for being different. Tristan and Hannah know what itā€™s like to feel alone. Something I like about this season is that we get to see characters interact with more people. In previous seasons, a character would befriend someone and theyā€™ll stay in that group not really interacting with others. But here, characters have interacted with their teammates at least once and we see new friendships form throughout the season. This friendship is so good for Jadeā€™s character. With her friendship with Spencer, we only saw her serious and stoic side because they are similar in personality. Jade befriending the others brings out a new side to her due to the contrast in personalities. And we did see that because she opened up to Benji about her nerdy side of loving cosplay and superheroes.

I loved the conversation between Hannah and Tristan, it was so raw and the voice acting was so good. We got to see Tristan being open and showing their negative feelings, which we havenā€™t seen before. Tristan said that keeping a positive attitude made dealing with dark stuff in their life easier to handle. I wonder if weā€™ll get to hear more of that. I think it relates to something about their family because they donā€™t like seeing people who are close being at odds with each other, and that might tie into their parents always arguing. Plus, we havenā€™t heard of their family yet. Tristan is experiencing toxic positivity, and their arc in the show is going to have them drift away from that mindset and learn that it's okay to feel negative feelings at times. This is kinda similar to what I think Spencerā€™s arc is going to be, with them being okay at showing their vulnerability, now I kinda want them to have a conversation with each other and bond over that. I also thought Tristanā€™s arc was going to be Hannahā€™s due to one of her lines in the casting call saying something likeā€œIf I can't see the good, what's even the point?ā€, so Hannahā€™s arc may be something else.

Benji and Tristanā€™s friendship was so wholesome. Tristan is the only one who doesnā€™t judge Benji, and also appreciates his goofy side. I actually teared up in the scene where Benji thanked him. The voice acting when Tristan said other people are missing out for not appreciating Benji was so good, that was the line that made me tear up. Also because I relate to Benji.

Girlā€™s Alliance: Marissa brings Lynda back to the Girlā€™s Alliance. Anastassia, Isabel, and Natalia are all against it, but Anastassia is the only vocal one. Isabel and Natalia are definitely betraying the alliance. Isabel comments how she might have to make moves sooner than she thought. I think this relates to her voting out bigger threats like Anastassia and Marissa, who both are intelligent and strong. In a greeting, she did mention that Anastassia is her biggest threat, so she may be more open to voting for her. Meanwhile, Natalia is trying to save Logan. I find her trying to save Logan sweet because she sees herself in him, but I wish we had more scenes of them interacting to really show why sheā€™s fond of Logan and to see their dynamic more. In the ending scene, we see Natalia planning on telling Logan and Richard about Lynda. So sheā€™s definitely going to form a new alliance with the boys and Isabel.

Ivy: Ivy is not intentionally rude, she just lacks some social knowledge. She has an ego but thatā€™s because she was raised to think sheā€™s better than others. We get a glimpse of Ivyā€™s ego when she corrects Lynda how she is a singer slash actress. Then again when Ivy takes the lead and doesnā€™t let Jade add some ideas. In my opinion, Ivy was kinda right there, it makes sense why sheā€™ll lead the group as she is the most experienced. And Zaid nodding his head just agreeing with Ivy was kinda funny. Later in the performance, she takes the lead and gives the others very few lines, forgetting that there was supposed to be 3 leads in each song. I think she put herself in the lead because she believed she'd make the team win due to her talents. In the end, the group is given an 8. Ivy put her heart and soul into the performance, she tried her best, especially at something sheā€™s good at, so to be only given an 8 by all the judges obviously hurt her. Then her nitpick cost the team the win because their scores got lowered. I see a lot of hate for Ivy for doing that, but how come none of the fandom are mad at Emily and Derek for changing their score. We later see her uncontrollably sobbing, repeating that sheā€™s useless. She seems to have a perfectionist complex. If something she does isnā€™t perfect, sheā€™ll feel like a failure. I hope we hear more about her home life, because I think her parents might've putten a lot of pressure on her, which is why she's the way she is. When Zaid asks her what her goal in life is, she says it's to be an actress. I wonder if genuinely wants that or is just forced into that career by her parents. Maybe she'll realize she doesn't want to do acting and chooses another career during her time on the show

Hosts: We get some host drama this episode. I was wondering if we were gonna get a host storyline because every season had one, but I assumed we were not because they have been kinda sidelined in previous episodes. It seems like Trevor has forgiven Emily for what she has done the previous season, but Derek is holding a grudge. It should be the opposite, but it makes sense for Trevor and Derek's personalities. Iā€™m glad theyā€™re mentioning this because it seems like they just brushed aside the fact Emily harmed the contestants and Trevor. Later, Trevor praises Emily for coming into her own, and Emily says sheā€™s not looking for validation but gives him thanks. Iā€™m kinda confused on what their storyline is. Is Emily going to learn to be her own person, with Trevorā€™s help along the way. While Derek doesnā€™t appreciate their bonding?

Small Comments:
*I loved the scene of Natalia and Anastasia being homesick and missing food from their respective countries. It feels realistic because we never really see anyone missing home, and it also relates to the prize of a buffet of burgers because everyone is craving real food.
*Ivy takes Zaid and Jade, and leaves out Tristan. I wonder why she wanted Jade in her group. She really is forgetting about Tristan, no wonder they feel left out. šŸ˜­
*Lynda being excited to sing because she recalls all the moms gathering up for weekly karaoke was lowkey cute.
*I loved Richard being strategic. His jab at Isabel not being appreciated in the Girlā€™s Alliance is making her second guess her position in the group.
*In Captivated, the position of the circle in the mural of Isabel suspiciously resembles horns, is that foreshadowing to Isabel being evil, or am I looking too deep into things.
*Lynda was the one to suggest if a kiss would work in a group of all girls. Then she praised Anastassia and Marissa for the kiss. This shows that sheā€™s not homophobic, and was just confused about Richardā€™s family in episode 4.
*If Derek didnā€™t change his vote after Logan made a Red Hot Chilli Peppers reference, it wouldā€™ve ended in a tie. So itā€™s actually Logan who made the Blue Team win.
*I see some Diencer and Anarissa parallels. Diego tried to kiss Spencer and then Spencer got a confessional being flustered about the kiss, Anastassia actually kisses Marissa and we see Marissa being flustered about the kiss in a confessional. Diego asks Spencer to talk alone when theyā€™re in a group, Anastassia does the same near the end of the episode.
*When Hannah asked Tristan if they liked Zaid or Ivy, I thought there was going to be a love triangle between them, and Iā€™m glad there isnā€™t.
*Zaid comforting Ivy was cute, but a small nitpick I have is that Zaid just seems to be Ivyā€™s love interest. I hope that changes and we see more of his character.

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Posted 4 weeks ago

An analysis of Spencerā€™s actions and Diencer in Season 4 Episode 5 of Disventure Camp. Spoilers ahead!

**TW in this section for relationship PTSD/trauma.
I feel like I interpreted Spencer's actions vastly differently compared to the majority of the fandom. The fandom interpreted that Spencer eliminated Diego because his crush on him was a distraction. To me, it seems like Spencer has PTSD/trauma from his past relationship, and after the kiss ordeal, Diego was kind of a trigger for him, which is why he eliminated Diego. I actually cried when watching the episode because I really felt bad for Spencer. When I checked dctwt and the episodeā€™s comment section, I was shocked to see that no one else made the same connection. So itā€™s possible that Iā€™m just overanalyzing everything, but Disventure Camp does touch on serious topics, so it is plausible that my interpretation may be the case. Also note that I am not an expert on PTSD, trauma, or any other mental health issues, so take my analysis with a grain of salt. Before I talk about the events in this episode, I also want to talk about stuff that happened in previous episodes. In previous episodes, we can see that Spencer is uncomfortable with touch, and that is often a sign of trauma from past relationships. He was uncomfortable when Diego wanted to hold on to him during the roller coaster ride in Episode 1, jumped when Diego put his hand on his forehead in Episode 3, removed Diegoā€™s hand from his shoulder in Episode 3, and jumped when Diego put his hand on his wrist to give him the mango in Episode 4. I mean, he could just not like physical touch but the fact that itā€™s shown so much, and the fact he even got startled in two of the examples, tells me that this was intentional. In Episode 3, we learn that he was previously in a relationship. He at first denies it, but Emily tells him lying won't work with her. He looks visibly uncomfortable when pressured to elaborate on his previous relationship. He slouches and puts his fist to his chest. When Diego reassures him that they wouldn't judge, Spencer gets slightly angry and says it's something he'd rather forget. The fact he got defensive tells me that he doesn't like being vulnerable, which may tie into his past relationship. He fears being vulnerable would lead him to getting hurt again, which is why he doesn't like to do so. Now back to this episode. As Diego grabs Spencerā€™s hands, you can see he gets a bit frightened, another instance of him being uncomfortable with touch. Speaking of the hand holding scene, I loved the body language there. The way Diego pays no attention to him grabbing Spencerā€™s hands, showing it was really impulsive. The way Spencer stares at their hands for a while, processing what's happened, then blushing as he looks back at DIego. Spencer freezes as Diego is about to kiss him, which is possibly a stress response. When Spencer leaves the area, he has tense shoulders and clenched fists. He stutters over his words when telling Diego he needs to leave. He continues to stutter and also breathe heavily in his confessional when explaining that he wants to get into a relationship with Diego, but is unsure if he really wants it to happen. Also note he said ā€œIs it bad that I want it to happen again?ā€. I think this implies something bad happened in his old relationship, and now has a negative perception of dating in general. After that interaction, he is so uncomfortable and terrified around Diego. We first see this when Diego waves at him during the challenge and Spencer visibly looks uncomfortable. Later when Spencer explains to Jade that Diego tried to kiss him, he stutters and breathes heavily again. Iā€™m not sure if the stuttering and breathing thing is hyperventilation or not, but it does show that he feels panic and anxiety. And granted, the heavy breathing could just be from the running, but Jade nor anyone else is out of breath when speaking and running (the only exception being Natalia). He also said that Diego is his liability and couldnā€™t face him, possibly showing he feels anxiety around him. After the challenge, Spencer and Jade have another conversation and Spencer looks really sad. He offers to switch the target to Diego because he's a distraction to him, and wouldn't be able to play with full mental capacity with him around, and he looks ashamed when explaining this. I don't think Spencer is the type to be distracted by a crush, the distraction stems from something deeper. I think that just seeing Diego reminds him of his past relationship and that brings him a lot of anxiety and panic, as shown earlier in the episode. When Jade refuses, Spencer looks hurt and leaves. Spencer is mad that she doesnā€™t want to vote for Diego, but he didnā€™t communicate why he wanted to vote for him that well. He never specified the reason Diego was a distraction to him, and Jade probably assumes it was because of a crush. He encounters Diego again and seems very uncomfortable and almost terrified around him. I was actually confused why he was randomly walking on the beach, but I think it's him leaving from his conversation with Jade. When Diego calls him, Spencer actually looks scared. Diego apologizes about the kiss, and Spencer says it's fine as it was probably a mistake. I feel like Spencer is just saying that to cope. Because if he believes Diego isnā€™t in love with him, that would bring him less anxiety being near him. When Diego retaliates saying it was not a mistake and confesses his love for Spencer, Spencer looks terrified. He has closed off body language like crossed arms, and there's a great distance between the two. Diegoā€™s openness about his emotions is probably overwhelming for someone who is closed off like Spencer. In that scene, we can see a hazard sign in the background of their conversation, and that means that danger is ahead. And after this conversation, Diego gets his heart broken and also eliminated. I don't know if it was intentional but it's such a cool detail. Spencer then has a confessional in which he is breathing heavily and says ā€œI can't do thisā€ then he cries (assuming this takes place before his and Ivy's conversation). If it really was a crush, I doubt it would bring him this much stress to the point of crying and him saying that he couldnā€™t ā€œdo thisā€. The ā€œI canā€™t do thisā€ line probably means he canā€™t be near Diego. I mean, he could be saying that about the elimination, and crying because the thought of eliminating Diego is hurting him, but it has to be something much deeper. After his and Jadeā€™s earlier conversation, he was probably going to stick with Benji. But after this encounter with Diego, he realizes he can't function properly around him because he brings him anxiety. He then asks Ivy, still with teary eyes, to eliminate Diego because he knows Jade wouldn't. Also note that when Ivy asked Spencer why heā€™s crying, he gets defensive again. Then as he is shaking Ivyā€™s hand, he is not confident like when he shook Jadeā€™s hand in Episode 1.

Continued in pinned comment due to length.

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Posted 4 weeks ago

My Review for Disventure Camp Season 4 Episode 5. Spoilers ahead!!

Marissa: I found Marissa really interesting in this episode. She has a lot of people pleasing tendencies and that seems to be affecting her in the game and in her personal life. Marissa comments that the girls should try to win Lynda back because itā€™ll be helpful to enter the merge with more alliance members. However, I think her wanting to make mends with Lynda is more than something competition wise. She feels bad for excluding Lynda, despite Lynda being a bad person. I feel like thereā€™s two possible reasons for why this is. Either she feels bad for excluding Lynda because she knows what itā€™s like to feel ignored or she worries that Lynda would have a negative perception of her due to leaving her out of the alliance, or maybe a mix of both. When none of the girls are in favor of making Lynda rejoin, Marissa says to forget she said anything and leaves. She told the girls to forget her proposal, making it seem like her idea was unimportant. What sheā€™s doing is not healthy in terms of communication as she's essentially telling them to ignore her desires. Marissa tends to leave whenever thereā€™s a conflict, even Anastassia comments on this. She probably leaves to avoid making the conflict worse. She is heavy on minimizing conflict and trying to keep everyone unified, such as her forfeiting her truth challenge in Episode 3, and her telling Anastassia to keep her and Loganā€™s competition friendly. All of which are people pleasing traits. Marissa then opens up about how she does not want to join the military despite it being expected of her. She said sheā€™s seen what being in the military does to her family, so Iā€™m guessing lots of her family members are/have enlisted. In her audition, she says that she loves spending time with her family, and theyā€™re the reason she wants to enlist in the military in the first place. Due to her valuing family, she probably feels pressured to enlist because so many of her family members have done so. During the competition, Marissa gets tired and Anastassia tells her to switch, and she refuses despite being tired. Also, she commented that she eats 20 calories daily, is she okay? But she does end up switching when she realizes she can't hold up. The fact she didnā€™t want to switch despite being tired shows that she would rather sacrifice her well being than disappoint her teammates. I think her arc in the show would be her learning to set boundaries and prioritize her needs first. Her people pleasing tendencies may stem from her wanting to seek validation from others. Maybe she does get ignored often in her family, and she learned that pleasing everyone gives her validation she needs. This also ties into why she wanted to join the military and why she may have felt bad for excluding Lynda. Maybe she isolates when overwhelmed because she is used to handling stuff on her own.

Blue Team Shenanigans:
*Richard said all it takes is for someone to flip, and Logan said heā€™s the one who can do the convincing. I feel like Natalia would betray the Girlā€™s Alliance and join Lyndaā€™s. She has a soft spot for Logan due to him reminding her when she was younger, and was the one who suggested him over Lynda.
*Isabel keeps mentioning the idol. She tried to make the girls paranoid that the boys had it last episode. In this episode, she suggested that Logan may have the idol due to him being able to find things quickly. If she keeps mentioning that others have the idol, I think Natalia would grow suspicious of her and make her misuse it. However, since Natalia and Isabel are close, Iā€™m not sure if Natalia would do this.
*When Marissa bumps into Lynda, Lynda assumes that Marissa would use this moment to bad mouth her. This moment highlights that she always assumes that people are thinking the worst of her, probably stemming from her family. But Marissa reassures her that that wouldnā€™t happen, and she wants to make amends with her. Lynda doesnā€™t buy it until Marissa says that the girls wouldnā€™t vote for her. Lynda then grins and has a confessional in which she says this is the opportunity sheā€™s been waiting for. This moment is definitely going to bite back Marissa because Lynda is definetry going to target the girls, most likely Anastassia or Marissa. Since Marissaā€™s arc is about setting boundaries, I think sheā€™ll learn that she doesnā€™t have to be nice to everyone and her making mends with Lynda would be a big factor to her arc.

Ivy: Iā€™ve been seeing Ivy get a lot of hate, especially for being mean to Benji. Yes, she is condescending at times, and lots of her lines are of her being rude to contestants, but I donā€™t think she is intentionally being malicious. She was taken aback when Zaid commented that they were being mean to Benji, showing that she is trying her best to not be mean. Since she is a celebrity and dropped out of High School early, I think she just doesnā€™t understand a lot of social cues. Plus, lots of the Red Team were being mean to Benji. Hannah snickered at Amelieā€™s comment about Benji in Episode 3. But she seemed bad for him when Ivy was condensing to him. And for some reason, everyone gathered up and just made fun of Benjiā€™s idol. I also found it weird how Tristan was poking fun of Benji because they seem like the type to perceive it as rude. Also, I loved the delivery of the ā€œIt looks like a f*cking stickā€ line. But I am surprised Ivy cursed because she seems like the type to be against cursing since she said ā€œson of a gunā€ in Episode 2. Also, I donā€™t think sheā€™s going to be a twist villain, I donā€™t think the writers would want to repeat Riyaā€™s storyline.

Spencer/Diencer: Separate post

Future episode predictions.
*After episode 5ā€™s elimination, the team walk away sad, and Spencer visibly has teary eyes. Jade and Spencer argue about this episodeā€™s elimination and break off their alliance (However, would Jade really be that dumb to break off her alliance with him, even if they had a disagreement?). Hannah goes to talk with Spencer about what happened with him and Diego. I want Spencer to cry and open up to Hannah, but I donā€™t think Spencer would be comfortable enough in showing his vulnerable side to anyone. Hannah would probably try to bond more with Spencer to save herself but they end up becoming friends, and I would love to see their friendship. Sheā€™ll probably help Spencer be less closed off.
*I feel like Episode 6 would have no eliminations, and itā€™ll be a reward challenge. Jared mentioned that there would be 4 songs, so I think there would be two rounds of both teams competing for two rewards, which was similar to Episode 1. This would give time for more characters to develop. One of the Red Teamā€™s songs is definitely going to be a love/heartbreak song.
*I have this crack theory that Jade and Benji would end up dating. Jadeā€™s voice actor said that Jade is straight from what she knows, so this can imply she has dated before and itā€™ll be mentioned at some point, is dating someone right now, or would crush on a male contestant. The likely candidate is Spencer (even though Iā€™m 100% sure heā€™s gay), but I feel like itā€™s Benji. If you think about it, they can actually work. Jade has been outcast for her vitiligo when younger, and Benji is currently being outcast in the Red Team, I can see them bonding over this. If Spencer and Jade have a disagreement in Episode 6, then I think Hannah would bond with Spencer, leaving Jade alone. She might be forced to work with Benji due to not wanting anyone to target her. They get closer and she ends up falling for Benji. Not only would JADE having a crush on BENJI be lowkey funny, but her words to Diego about love being dangerous in this game would bite back at her and be ironic. Plus, Jade interacting with Benji would bring out a side weā€™ve never seen of her. Since her and Spencer are similar in energy, we only see her stoic side. If she were to interact with someone like Benji, then we can see more sides to her due to their contrasting personalities. This would also be the beginning of Benjiā€™s arc, with the first storyline finding someone he connects to. Jade may also help Benji in finding the confidence to stand up to his parents, and switch his career to something he truly desires, and not one his parents want.
*In Spencerā€™s audition, he mentioned that he doubts a twist would throw him off balance, and that line has to foreshadow something. Since Diegoā€™s gone, the twist cannot be Spencerā€™s crush getting in the way of the game, so it has to be something else. Since this season takes some inspiration from ā€œAustralian Survivor: Titans v Rebelsā€, my theory is that Benji would end up finding the popcorn advantage similar to that season and end up eliminating Spencer. I know Valeria, Anastasiaā€™s inspiration, was eliminated that way, but Anastasiia being eliminated this way would be too obvious. Plus, BENJI being the one to eliminate SPENCER would not only be funny, but it would be the most iconic elimination and boost up Benjiā€™s character. Or it can be Spencer breaking his leg and getting medically evacuated.
*I feel like the idol has to play some role in the story. Either it was done so we can see how often he is underestimated and bullied, giving him motivation to try to win, or for something else. Everyone in the Red Team saw the idol but Spencer and Jade. Spencer and Jade are also the only ones aware of the real idol. What if Benji swaps his fake idol with Jadeā€™s idol
*Richard and Marissa double elimination. This is obviously not happening but I for some reason have a feeling that it could happen.

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Posted 4 weeks ago

My review of Disventure Camp Season 4 episode 4. Spoilers for that and the eliminated person's exit interview. Iā€™m going to start reviewing episodes on my community tab like I did with the Total Drama reboot. All of these reviews are gonna be REALLY long because I love to yap about stuff Iā€™m passionate about. This one is around 2,000 words long, so bear with me!

Benji: I know Benji isn't a fan favorite but he is so interesting to me, and even relatable. I feel bad for him because he gets left out of stuff, his team doesn't take him seriously, and nor do they like him. During his and Ivyā€™s conversation, she tells him to find his ā€œpeepsā€. So we're probably going to get a storyline of Benji trying to form a friendship with someone. Iā€™m assuming it's with Hannah as they interacted in the intro. He also interacted with Diego before, and Diego seems like the only Red Team member who likes Benji, so maybe it can be him as well. I hope those three become a trio because I want Diego to interact with people who are not Spencer. I also see people saying he's an early boot (and even I said it before) but I don't think so. I feel like his storyline of trying to fit in and find his passion would take more than just a few episodes, he could go far and I could actually see him being top 8.

Diencer: Iā€™m not really a shipper and I didn't really care for any of the ships before, but after episode 1, I became a fan of Diencer. I was interested to see how they'll end up as a couple due to their contrasting personalities, and also because I really can't envision Spencer being interested in romance, so I was also interested to see where they would take his character if he had a crush. After these last episodes, I started liking this ship less, and Iā€™m not really a fan of them anymore. I feel like the Diencer scenes so far have been kinda cringe worthy. Like that flirting scene from last episode and the ā€œshy boy šŸ„ŗā€ thing in this one. Not sure if they're making it cringe on purpose for comical reasons or if they're genuinely going with this. The way Diego feels about Spencer feels cartoony at times. Such as the scene of Benji telling Diego how gross Spencer was, and Diego ending up finding those examples adorable for some reason. I know it's been hinted that Spencer also likes Diego, but is too focused on the game to care about crushes, but I don't like how Diego is very flirty towards Spencer, when he's kinda uncomfortable with that most of the time. It makes me uncomfortable as well, but maybe that's just me. Although I'm iffy on the ship right now, I have trust in the writers, and I don't want to judge the ship too early. Other ships were written fine, and Anarissa and Zaivy seem to be going well. People have been mentioning that Diego feeling immediate attraction towards Spencer despite not interacting much, doesn't make sense, however love at first sight does exist. I feel like the love at first sight thing may be important to Diegoā€™s character in some way. Maybe he was never allowed to explore his sexuality freely back in Colombia, and all the repressed feelings are being let out in a safe space like Disventure Camp. Or due to him being a *traveling* tour guide, he feels isolated because anytime he meets someone, it's only temporary. Which may explain why he got attached to Spencer so quickly, however not sure why specifically Spencer. And an interesting theory I saw is that he fears having his life wasted and wants to fulfill everything quickly; which also ties in his love for traveling and meeting new people, and one of his casting lines. They'll probably interact in future episodes and learn more about each other though. Also, an interesting parallel I found between the two is that Diego seems to be acting on his crush immediately, while Spencer seems to be repressing it.

Zaivy/Vibe Tribe: Zaivy is actually really cute. I love how their personalities bounce off each other, and how natural their conversations are. When Tristan interrupted them, it kinda became awkward, then Ivy immediately moved the subject to strategy. Which I found kinda funny. Maybe it's just me, but when the vibe tribe are together, I find them interesting. But when they're not, I find them boring. Which is strange, because it's usually the opposite in some writing cases.

Girl's Alliance: I loved the interactions Logan had with Natalia and Anastasia. I feel like Natalia may help Logan realize his sexuality as most of their interactions involve them talking about romance in some way. Loganā€™s friendship with Anastasia was cute, and it would help her see that some people do see her past her looks, and value her smarts. When she won the fire making challenge, she assumed Logan would get mad for losing to a girl, but Logan took losing the competition well and never accounted gender for his/her skills. I saw some people get mad at Logan for switching sides so suddenly, but it makes sense. Logan barely bonded with Ted or Richard, so he probably wouldnā€™t be attached to them. Meanwhile, heā€™s bonded with Natalia before, and with Anastassia more than anyone. So it makes sense for him to not want to vote out Anastassia as he just grew fond of her. Marissa and Anastassia got mad at Lynda for flipping their alliance, but they didnā€™t even discuss the vote to her, so sheā€™ll obviously leave if they donā€™t include her. In the end of the episode, Marissa said she'll make an effort to include Lynda in the alliance. However, if the girls are smart about this, they could just vote her off next elimination. Pretty sure no one in the Blue Team likes her, they'll be fine with voting her out. But Lynda probably isnā€™t leaving so early.

Lynda: As Ted said in his exit interview, I don't think Lynda was intentionally being malicious/homophobic. I think she was just ignorant and genuinely confused. She lives in a traditional household, where she cleans and cooks, and her husband provides for the family. She couldnā€™t comprehend how a household with two dads would work as there is a role missing. Maybe she assumed Richardā€™s daughter took the role of ā€œthe motherā€, which is why she stated that she hoped she was okay. She didnā€™t understand why Richard got upset because she assumed she was just asking a simple question. She didnā€™t realize her comments sounded homophobic. I actually feel bad for Lynda. Last episode she said that everyone doubts her in camp, which was the same back home. This episode, she said her sons favored their father more, and that all she was good for was scrubbing the floors. I donā€™t think sheā€™s living the best home life. I feel like she gets ignored by her family and they only view her as someone who cooks and cleans. Lynda and Anastassia are kinda similar. They both want to prove that theyā€™re more than what people think they areā€”and what people assume about them, ties into their gender. Theyā€™re definitely going to bond over this in a future episode, and realize that theyā€™re not so different. I feel like Lynda would be getting a storyline about becoming a better person, she seems very capable of change.

Elimination/Ted: The Girl's Alliance voting out Ted was a really smart move, and the fact that they weren't willing to trust Logan so quickly was smart as well. I donā€™t think this was a bad elimination because the Girl's Alliance discussed voting out Ted before, so itā€™s not surprising that they would keep aiming for him. In his exit interview, he said he knew Logan would flip, but had no power. If Ted knew Logan would flip, he could have suggested voting for someone other than Anastassia. But it's likely Logan still wouldn't have turned on any member of the Girlā€™s Alliance. Ted never really had an arc, so he may return later on. He said he wants to come back if there is a chance. This is a 26 episode season with 18 contestants, so thereā€™s definitely going to be a comeback challenge. I could see him working with Isabel if he does return. I kinda want him to interact with Hannah because he mentioned it..and also bartender and poker buddies, but I canā€™t see them interacting. Ted was also very wholesome in his exit interview. A line I liked is when he said he didn't want to discuss his family much to protect their privacy, I found that endearing, and it's also realistic. I kinda assumed he was lying about his family as well, but I'm glad he actually is just a wholesome dad. I love how heā€™s really understanding of others and cares about his family.

More in the pinned comment because my post is too long.

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Posted 1 month ago

Guys, I'm kinda obsessing over Disventure Camp Season 4, so here's my theories before any new episodes release. I know this is kinda late because two episodes already premiered but we haven't seen much, so there's still things to predict.
Spoilers for episode 2 if you haven't seen it.

In the intro, the end group pose has people next to each other. Tristan, Zaid, and Ivy; Hannah and Amelie; Jade, Diego, and Spencer; Isabel and Natalia; Ted, Lynda, Richard; Anastassia and Marissa. We can see that Alessio, Logan, and Benji are not paired with anyone. We know Alessio was first boot, so I say Benji and Logan are the next boots. Plus, Logan and Benji don't really have anything going on for them. Benji would be eliminated first since Blue Team already lost so much times.

Again in the intro, Richard looks suspiciously at Lynda and Ted. Richard also doesn't have anything going on for him, so I say Ted and Lynda vote him out because he was getting too suspicious of them.

Hannah's arc is that she's going to help Amelie be a better person. Once Amelie does become one, Hannah will be eliminated.

Amelie is getting suspicious of Jade, so Jade convinces the others to eliminate Amelie.

Natalia also doesn't have anything going on for her, except for the fact she's in a girl's alliance and an Emily fanatic. But, in her audition, she mentioned she's the person to call to have their public image fixed. I actually stopped watching All Stars midway, but I heard Emily had her character become worse. So, imagine Natalia helps Emily boost her public image. Maybe Isabel and her are at the bottom 2, then Isabel uses her totem, causing Natalia to be eliminated.

Tristan also doesn't have anything going on for them, except that they're in a trio with Zaid and Ivy. I feel like they'll have an unfair elimination because I can't see anyone willing to vote for them. They're not a threat and they're really nice.

Merge happens. It's a reward challenge.

Old contestants compete to return. Amelie and Hannah return.

Marissa is voted out because she's seen as a threat. She and Anastasia become a couple in the end. This gives Anastasia strength to compete further.

Ivy is voted out because I can't really see her making it much farther.

Spencer is out. The twist would not involve Diego because I feel like he'll hold off the showmance like Bowie. I think the twist will involve Jade. She and him are bottom 2, Jade is out, then she pulls out the immunity idol, causing Spencer to be the one out. OR it can be that Spencer betrays Jade and finds out she has clues to an immunity idol. We can see him holding the paper in the intro. He uses it to avoid elimination, but it turns out the idol was fake. It was either always fake or Jade planted a fake one.

Amelie is out. The only reason she returned, writing wise, was to show her character development. Lynda and Ted are the ones behind her elimination.

Anastasia is next out. Like Amelie, Lynda and Ted are the reason she's out.

Hannah is next out. She returned to help other contestants see what they really need. Possibly towards Jade to show that her friendship with Spencer is more valuable than the money. Or possibly to other contestants.

Ted is eliminated. Lynda betrays him.

Jade is eliminated. I feel like she's too obvious of a winner, so I don't think she'll win.

Isabel is eliminated. Side note, I don't think she'll be a twist villain or evil, but just a really good strategist.

Zaid is eliminated. He's a deserving winner and probably has the best reason for the money, but I can't see him winning.

Lynda mentions she's a reality TV show fanatic and I imagine she'll be a good strategist, which is why she's so far. But, I don't think DC will have another villain winner.

Diego is the winner. He'll probably be a strong social player and also a physical one, which explains why he got so far. Plus, we already got two female contestant wins, and just one male one; so having Diego winning will even it out.

Final Boot Predictions:
20. Alessio (canon)
19. Benji
18. Logan
17. Richard
16. Hannah
15. Amelie
14. Natalia
!Amelie and Hannah return!
13. Tristan
12. Marissa
11. Ivy
10. Spencer
9. Amelie
8. Anastasia
7. Hannah
6. Ted
5. Jade
4. Isabel
3. Zaid
2. Lynda
1. Diego

Old Boot Predictions before I saw episode 2:
18. Alessio
17. Logan
16. Benji
15. Amelie
14. Hannah
13. Richard
12. Natalia
11. Zaid
10. Tristan
9. Ted
8. Spencer
7. Marissa
6. Ivy
5. Anastasia
4. Diego
3. Isabel
2. Lynda
1. Jade
(I forgot there can be returnees)

I know there's 26 episodes and I only predicted a few, but let's say that the others are reward challenges.

These predictions are probably going to end up wrong anyways because I'm horrible at predicting stuff. šŸ˜­

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Posted 11 months ago

Total Drama Memes I made pt.23

86 - 5

Posted 11 months ago

Total Drama Memes I made pt.22

8 - 4

Posted 1 year ago

"Why? Because you like~ me?"

(I actually finished this like 3 weeks ago and I'm just posting it now lmao. I also drew this like 50 times and I still feel like the anatomy for Julia is kinda off šŸ˜­)

26 - 3

Posted 1 year ago

Pomni clay thing for my ceramics class project. I started it in November and finished it two weeks ago because we only paint 1-2 times per month. It looks a bit cursed tbh šŸ˜­ but it's good for a beginner ig. Atleast the people in front of me liked it (even though they thought it was a Pokemon or Harley Quinn šŸ’€)

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