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Zhee’s Creations

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Hi I’m Zhee and this is my channel.For probably a few years

Zhee’s Creations
1 week ago - 9 likes

Hey everybody what are you all up to guess what new mini movie coming out tomorrow for pride month! Here are some sneak peaks my lovelies!

And there will probably be a vote later on to decide what you guys want next!

Zhee’s Creations
1 month ago - 4 likes

Hey everybody what do you think about a back story about these two? There is so much to explore with their character and why this has happened to create I fell in love with the devil by accident…

Zhee’s Creations
5 months ago - 3 likes

You know when you want to post a video but have nothing to post that’s me right now

What is your favourite option

Zhee’s Creations
5 months ago - 4 likes

Hey everybody no post today I got a power outage and I wanted to conserve my battery thank you all for understanding.

In the meantime you guys can try to guess what my video is about with these pictures.

Zhee’s Creations
6 months ago - 3 likes

Hey everybody guess what I am going to start posting again soon my break is pretty much over! So expect some new videos!

But in the meantime mean time I would like to know what thumbnail do you like the best…

Zhee’s Creations
6 months ago - 3 likes

Hey guys I just wanted to let you know but I will not be posting while Christmas because I want to spend time with my family.I hope you all can understand….the last video before I stop posting for a little bit is the Christmas special. I hope to see you all there and I will see you all next year.

Zhee’s Creations
6 months ago - 4 likes

Starting work on I fell in love with the devil by accident part 3!!!!

Zhee’s Creations
7 months ago - 4 likes

Hey guys which one of these characters do you like the best!

Zhee’s Creations
8 months ago - 4 likes

Hey guys no post today since it is halloween but if you guys are lucky maybe a post who knows but before I leave to give out candy who else is giving out candy this year or trick or treating.

Zhee’s Creations
8 months ago - 4 likes

Hey guys after the mini movie(that I am almost finished with and will probably post next week) what would you guys like to see next?